Blood and Sunlight: a Maryland Vampire Story

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A Maryland Vampire Story

Melanie would love to believe in fairytales. She'd love, in fact, to believe in anything. The twenty-three-year-old college dropout is stuck - stuck in a dead-end waitress job, stuck in her hometown of Ellicott City, Maryland, and stuck with a boyfriend who likes to play dress-up as a vampire.

Vampires. Her world and her reality are turned upside down when she encounters the real thing. Along the way, she meets Lucas, the would-be vampire slayer, his father the sheriff, and ultimately the vampire himself. Melanie learns that fairytales can come true, and evil isn't always where you expect to find it.


A Maryland Vampire Story


Jamie Wasserman

Licensed and Produced through

Penumbra Publishing

Copyright 2010, Jamie Wasserman

Cover photo 'Diary of a Vampire' Copyright 2010, Diana Barbu

Location back cover photos Copyright 2010, Jamie Wasserman


EAN-13/ISBN: 978-1935563310

Also available in PRINT, EAN-13/ISBN: 978-1935563327

This novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is entirely coincidental.

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For Michelle, Alex, Shana, and Baby #3 - my happily ever after.

I'd especially like to thank my wife Michelle, who read dozens and dozens of drafts of this book. She should, by all rights, be working as an editor at a large publishing house. I'd also like to thank my parents, Joe and Nadia, who surprised me by not only reading the book but telling me how much they enjoyed it. They're not particularly good liars, but they are great parents. I'd also like to thank Gerri Hernandez, Chris Huza, Ron Raynor, Samantha Anamasi, and Katie Catalano - your encouragement and suggestions made this happen.


A Maryland Vampire Story


Jamie Wasserman

And Little Red Cap thought, "As long as I live, I will never leave the path and run off into the woods by myself."

-Little Red Cap, The Brothers Grimm




"...and they lived happily ever after." The man closed the book and waited.


"Yes, darling," he said, smiling to himself. He was never lucky enough to get away with reading just one story.

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