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Under ANY circumstances should you guys go out into the woods finding Herbs you don't know about. They can be poisonous and can lead to very bad effects if not prepared or have the knowledge of them correctly.

A certain flower you guys really need to watch out for is the WATER HEMLOCK This plant looks extremely alike to the plant ANGELICA. Angelica is a safe plant but the Water Hemlock is very TOXIC and POISONOUS. These two plants are very often mixed up and even specialized Herbalists will confuse these two look-alikes. I have put a picture at the top where it shows how you can tell the difference of the two. (Unless the photo doesn't work, major problems here..) ( ͡ಥ ͜ʖ ͡ಥ)

So please don't go running around looking for herbs unless you KNOW what they're are. That's all stay safe!!


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