Fluffy Long One-Shot

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Wednesday wasn't just any particular day in Paris. After all, the city of love had to celebrate its favorite holiday...Valentine's Day! The streets were filled with the beauties of lovely art, and the billboards were all advertising chocolates and jewelry for their special someone. In fact, in the Dupain-Cheng Bakery, the owners Tom and Sabine were happily making heart shaped cakes and whatnot. If only there daughter could feel this way too, for she loved the holiday, but a certain someone always failed to notice her.

Ugh! Valentine's Day... Marinette thought and groaned into her pillow. It's not that she didn't like the holiday, it's just the part where she's been pinning after her crush for nearly 2 years, and he still didn't seem to notice. Maybe I'll sleep in for 5 more minutes...

She never got the chance.

"Marinette, time to wake up dear! Otherwise you'll miss breakfast and be late to school!" her mother called up from the trap door.

"Coming Mom!" Marinette replied in a tired voice.

"Marinette, you actually have to get out of bed to get ready," her kwami Tikki told her as she flew next to her.

So Marinette did what she was told, and eventually she did make it downstairs. She quietly went to the counter and snuck in some heart shaped cookies to Tikki. Her mom wasn't in the kitchen, so she was probably helping Papa with some orders of cake.

She happily ate her heart shaped pancakes with fruit and thought silently to herself, sighing afterwards thinking about the holiday.

Sensing her thoughts, Tikki popped her head out of the pink purse.

"Is something wrong Marinette," the kwami asked.

"Nothing, Tikki. It's just that..." she trailed off thinking again, but the tiny goddess read her mind.

"But it's just that Adrien didn't notice you and when you tried confessing with the card last year, you forgot to sign it?"

The ravenette nodded her head.

"I still love Adrien, and Valentine's Day, but thinking about all my friends... well, do you get my point? I'll be one of the only ones in my class without a significant other."

Tikki shook her head in agreement thinking about all the couples already formed. There was Ivan and Mylene, Juleka and Rose, Alix and Kim, and finally there was Alya and Nino. The only people who don't have a valentine were Chloe (obviously, since who would want to date that brat), Sabrina (cause she's Chloe's little minion), Nathanael (who was not interested in anyone at the moment), the same went for Max, and finally there was Adrien who was oblivious to everything. Even if he wasn't, years after being with hot models and being chased by fan girls made him immune to romantic feelings.

And Tikki hated to say this to her chosen, but she was more of a stalk-y acquaintance then a friend. She sighed. She knew he was Chat Noir, but she couldn't interfere. Why did these love squares always have to happen to her and Plagg's chosen's. None of the other holders had to go through the same thing. Even Nooroo's and Duusu's chosen seemed to sort their feelings out just fine before...the incident. Not that she was ever going to talk about it ever again.

"Well, Marinette. You still have a bunch of gifts to get your friends. You know, the homemade chocolates and macarons? And I forgot to mention how you made everyone a shirt with a Valentine's Day pun," Tikki said. Marinette smiled. Her kwami always knew how to cheer her up. And for the puns, you can thank Chat Noir for that.


It all happened on patrol two nights ago. And that silly alley cat was making Valentine puns non-stop. It was so weird. First they were talking about math, for some apparent reason, but somehow the topic turned into puns.

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