Birth: 1

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[Earlier that day 3rd person POV]

Today was October 10th, also the day Kushina giving birth to "twins."

"I know today will be perfect and we'll have a perfect family, Minato" Kushina smiled at her husband. "I hope so, Kushina" Minato replied. If only they knew that they thought wrong.

"Mikoto!!" Kushina yelled in excitement as she saw her best friend. "Kushina! How are you?" Mikoto asked, she knew that Kushina would be giving birth soon.

"I'M GREAT-" "Shhh" Mikoto interrupted Kushina looking at her baby boy, Sasuke how was older by three months, that was sleeping in her arms. "Oh sorry. Does it hurt, giving birth I mean?" Kushina asked.

"Sorry Kushina-chan we have to go. Bye Mikoto." Minato interrupted. Mikoto giggled a bit, "no its fine. I better be the god-mother though."

"You are their god-mother. Who els would it be?" Kushina insured her. Mikoto giggled a little, "good. Sorry but I have to go, be safe, okay?" "OKAY BYE!!! WE WILL, DATTEBYO!!!" Kushina yelled out.

Both of her "twins" kicked, showing their feet on her stomach, for being loud, but they don't know that tho. "OW!! Minato, look!!" Kushina yelled, pointing at the feet. Minato looked at where she pointed and gasped.

"NO WAY THAT'S DEFINITELY NOT HEALTHY!!! WE ARE GOING TO THE HOSPITAL RIGHT NOW!!!" Minato exclaimed, getting the children to kick even more painfully causing Kushina yelp in pain. The "twins" painfully kicked over and over causing Kushina being in the hospital.


Hiruzen sarutobi wife, Biwako Sarutobi, was the doctor for Kushina. Right now Biwako was about to tell Kushina she wasn't carrying twins, and leaving out the part were one of her children don't like her.

Biwako got into Kushinas' room and sighed catching everyone's, Minato, Kushina, Hiruzen, Asuma, Anbu, basically all the clan heads, save the uchiha, attention. "Do you want the good or bad news first?" Biwako asked, making everyone look at Kushina then back toward Biwako.

"Bad then good, please." Kushina replied. Biwako sighed again, "well...the bad news is that the nine tails will get out-" "WHAT!?!?!" everyone, save Biwako yelled, making two of the, still not announced children, kick showing both of their feet.

"OW!!! LOOK!!!" everyone's eyes widen, save Biwako and Minato's, in surprise. "As I was saying before I was interrupted, the good news is that you'll definitely have a big family, if they survive." Biwako let the information set in, but everyone looked at her confused. Biwako sighed, for what felt like the hundredth time that night, then explained the reason, "so I hope that you picked more than one name for each gender because your going to
*now everyone's at the edge of their seats*
have quadruplets." Everyone stared at each other, making sure that they heard anything right. Quadruplets are very rare, most of the time the babies don't live throughout the birth, very rarely one survives. There has been a time where all four survived, recorded in history, but this only happened once, millions of years ago.

"I'm telling the truth, now what will you name them." Biwako asked. "Well, I was not expecting that. Glad that we couldn't agree about a boys name. The boys will be named Naruto, and Menma. The girls names will be Mito and-" Kushina explained before cutting herself off. "Well, we never thought of a girls name because we wanted to name her after Mito Uzumaki, but now we do." Minato finished.

Biwako smiled sweetly at them. "Can I name the other girl then?" Biwako asked before the other girls had a chance to ask. "Of course!!! OW!!!" Kushina yelled, getting kicked by the same two children. "Her name will be (Y/n)." Biwako announced, making everyone smile at her. "Oh also I will be their obaa-chan." Biwako demanded leaving no chance to argue, by leaving the room.

[Time skip no-one wants to read a boring conversation]

Finally, Kushina was giving birth. Kushina holding Minatos' hand, well more look like giving dreath grip, but no-one needs knows that. Kushina howling in pain every time, thinking 'Why didn't you tell me, Mikoto?'.

Suddenly, the only noise was silence, not even a babies cry was heard. Kushina looked down a the new born that was leaving, her heart ached by the overwhelming sadness. Another howl of pain came from Kushina as she broke Minatos' hand making him cry out. The medical ninja healed his hand quickly, then left with other medical ninjas. This happened each time a new born was birthed, Minato didn't want to give her is hand, but she gave him a glare that clearly said "Give me your hand, or you will be beat, or possibly killed."

After the quadruplets were born Kushina was aloud to rest a bit, before the kyuubi no kitsune came out of the seal, which may kill her. Biwako brought in a new born boy that looked like a perfect mix of Kushina and Minato and gave him to Kushina, after she woke up, who was cooing over him.

"This one is Menma Namikaze-Uzumaki." Kushina announced, smiling weakly. "Menma is the fourth born, perfect health, born on October 10th 1:10 pm." Biwako explained they nodded, then going back and cooing over Menma.

Ten minutes pasted, so Biwako took Menma back and brought in another new born who looked like a perfect replica of Kushina. "She will be named Mito Namikaze-Uzumaki." Kushina cooed. "Mito Namikaze-Uzumaki, third born, perfect health, born on October 10th 1:01 pm." Biwako explained, they nod cooing over Mito.

Nine minutes later Biwako quickly looked at the clock and said, "Do you want the good news or bad?" The new parents looked up confused, "Good?" "Good news is that the others, Naruto and (Y/N), survived. Thanks to are skilled medical ninjas. The bad news is that they will have to go to the hospital every year." Biwako stated, though the new parents couldn't detect the worry. "W-whats their health status?" Minato whispered, he didn't want to know but he knew he had to knew, for their safety. "Naruto Namikaze-Uzumaki, second born, he was born connected to his older sister and he wasn't able to breathe correctly, born October 10th 12:10 am. (Y/N) Nazukaze-Uzumaki, first born, born dead, she shouldn't go outside. If she does go outside have her wear an oxygen mask, preferably have her wear it all the time except when she eats. A medical team, from one of our allied, are working on medication, so she can go without the mask for a short while." Biwako took a breathe. She was about to continue, but Kashina asked, "If we can't take off the mask, how are we to feed her? Why does she need the oxygen mask anyway?" Biwako chocked out her words, "I-I designed the oxygen mask myself. When I found out that you were having quadruplets, and with the amount of chakra you both have affected her." She got looks that asked, "What do you mean 'affected'?" 

"Her body was weak, the chakra she was born with was weak, she wasn't going to survive, and your body knew this so your bodies sent chakra into her body. But your bodies didn't know when to stop giving, the chakra became to much that her body started to become weaker the more she was given. When I seen this, I quickly designed the mask and sent the mask design to be built, fortunately, we had gotten it before you gave birth." Biwako explained, the parents faces became on of understanding. Minatos' face turned back into confusion, "What do you mean by 'bodies' don't you mean body?" "Oh, well by bodies I mean bodies. They were in Kashinas' body, so she gave her chakra unconsciously. And you gave some chakra to Kashina when she was weak, but her body took more than it should have for the baby and gave most the chakra to the baby, the extra chakra was given to Kashina. The "extra" chakra was only a small amount that was given. But Kashina also has the nine tails in her, and the nine tails unwillingly gave the baby chakra, the nine tails most likely didn't want the host to die and gave the chakra. When the nine tails gave the chakra the baby took it, little was given to Kashina. This caused her to become to weak because your bodies didn't know when to stop and her body started to fail, the chakra still went on but intensified. She needs the mask because of her body failing and she may not become a ninja because of her body fail. She may even die before her tenth birthday, the only way I know to have her live for that amount of time is the mask and the medication being created." She explained, this time the parents could hear her stress. Something went off in Kashinas' head, "Is that why you wanted to be their obaa-chan?" "Y-yes." Biwako sobbed, Minato comforted her. "I must go get the other children." She stated, walking to the nursery.

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