✶chapter one ✶

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sunset, taehyung decided, was his favorite time of day.

he couldn't help but to let his eyes wander across the warm toned expanse of sky in awe. the way the streaks or orange and pink wove themself through the tinted clouds, and the calm waves lapped up the reflection.

he was simply itching to read for a paintbrush and try to recreate it, but he knew better. not even the softest, most delicate brush couldn't ever give enough credit to the unique colors above him.

every dusk was different. in the many pictures he and jeongguk had gotten at the beach, in their backyard, smiling widely next to sporty cars that got buried under an old tree in the park, it was never the same as the one before it.

a new day meant a new story, when the sun rises and when it sets. taehyung always believed that every time an artist died, they got to paint the sky that night. but to him, everyone had an artist in them, which is why every night he was left mesmerized by their work.

one of his favorite things besides painting, by much more, was staring into jeongguk's soft eyes and watching the light dance in his irises.

he'd look over and do that now, of course, but he knew jeongguk was staring at him instead this time so he continued to let his brown eyes float around the view. he also knew that he would be staring at him with the gentlest eyes, his rosy lips turned up at the corners and a dusting of  pink on his cheeks and delicate nose.

in his mind he could see the shadows of his dark eyelashes being casted onto his high cheekbones, and it took everything in him to not look over and be able to see it for real. that was until jeongguk squeezed his hand and he finally glanced over at his ethereal boyfriend.

just as he had predicted, long stretched shadows dripped down his pale skin like ink and his face was full of soft spoken adoration. his smile grew bigger when taehyung's eyes met his, and he couldn't help but giggle at the way it cutely distorted his face.

"how long until we get there, do you think?" he said while tilting his body and resting his head on tae's slightly taller shoulder.

he leant his head against jeongguk's as he looked back out onto the horizon and sighed. "maybe two weeks at most? how come," taehyung replied.

he felt jeongguk shrug against his body as he released a sigh of his own. "i'm just scared that something bad will happen," he admitted.

"bad?" taehyung questioned. "like what?"

he simply couldn't imagine anything worse happening than what resulted them being aboard this ship anyways. the two had been together for years, just barely being able to keep it hidden from the judgemental society that would do everything in their way to tear them down to the bone. literally.

but as soon as someone had seen them share just the lightest peck, they packed their bags and decided moving to the colonies would do them better. they could start over and be more careful this time.

taehyung never understood why two men being in love was any different than a man and a woman. shouldn't we simply focus on our happiness and not how the other person was born? he wished they were born in a time where people were more accepting of them.

"what if we don't make it to america?" jeongguk finally said, lifting his head off of taehyung's shoulder and meeting his eyes.

"if we don't," taehyung began. "we go together. no matter what happens we'll be together and we will have no reason to be afraid. i promise."

the small words seemed to reassure jeongguk as he smiled and wrapped his arms around the latter's waist, pulling him close. "i love you."

"i love you too." taehyung said in a sure voice, resting his head on top of the youngers. "always."

the next moments seemed almost too blissful, the soft wind ruffling the boys' hair and the waves lapping against the side of the ship with rhythm. he couldn't imagine being in anyone else's arms, being surrounded by anyone else's care and emotions.

jeongguk was absolutely everything taehyung had ever dreamt about and it all felt too good to be true.

which i guess was correct.

the calm moments of holding each other and watching the suns final moments above the skyline were interrupted by a loud snap under the ship, followed by the whole thing starting to tremble and the screams of everyone on the deck.

jeongguk pulled away quickly and stared up at taehyung with panicked eyes, grabbing onto his arms so tight his fingers were going numb. "w-what-"

"the seams! they gave out!"

"the hull is filling with water!"

"how many life boats do we have-"

"oh my god," jeongguk said shakily, tears beginning to fill his eyes. "i jinxed it- taehyungie what to we do oh my god!"

"hey," taehyung said softly, bringing his own shaking hand up to caress his lovers face. "breathe."

"tae how do you expect me to breathe when we're literally about to die-"

"ggukie," taehyung said again, softer this time, finally getting the boys attention. "remember what i said. we go down together."

the smaller took a deep breath, gripping onto the metal railing of the ship as it started tilting forward. "okay. okay. together."

his voice was shaking, eyes filled with unfiltered terror as he watched the masses of people run around frantically trying to find an impossible way to save themselves.

taehyung stepped in front of him, blocking his view of the massacre and instead making him hold eyes with the older. "together."

taehyung grabbed jeongguk's hand as they both now had to hold onto the rail to keep themselves from sliding down the ships deck.

they watched each other's eyes, thanked each other for the unforgettable memories and relived them as fast as they could. retook the pictures in their heads, buried the photo box under the tree in the park and had their first kiss all over again, until jeongguk's hand started slipped and the boat was about to turn upside down.

taehyung nodded, signaling to jeongguk that it was time. they were the last two still hanging onto the deck, everyone else having been tossed into the water and struggling to find a way back.

"until we meet again."

the words seemed to freeze in time as they both let go of the metal pipes and let themselves fall, the cold wet blackness consuming them right as the last sliver of sun dipped into the water with them.

{present day}

"yah, jimin! what the hell was that for?"



YOOOOO so yeah i fuckin uhhhhh put my other book on hold because i got the idea for this like two months ago and finally finished writing the first chapter !! i hope it's somewhat decent and i'm definitely hoping my writing progresses as this story goes on so frick yeah my dudes

Immortal Investment To Love // TaeKook - VKook // TaebuzWhere stories live. Discover now