Chapter 1

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HKIce: Lighten Flowers

Chapter 1: A fyrrverandi Nation

Beijing, China

Iceland thought the meeting would go fine; so he thought. Now, he only wished it was over. America yelled with his mouth full of the disgusting beef and ketchup he shoved in, England and France began to fight, threatening another 100 years war and other things that should not be repeated, Italy began to talk on about Pasta, both Romano and Germany started to yell at him until he started to cry. Iceland looked around the chaotic room only to find Norway chocking Denmark with his own tie, figures. Chine offered up treats as Korea (South) started ranting on about certain things as well, Japan tried to calm the Korean down but that failed as well.

Iceland didn't understand why he had to come in the first place, he just finished getting over a cold and wasn't in much of a mood for a meeting like this; he would of rather asked Norway about it later, even if it meant calling him his big brother, which he always is reluctant to do. By the time the meeting was suppose to end, they only talked about one subject, which sent Germany into a rage.

Thank god it was over! Iceland quietly packed up his notebook, which he didn't even need now, and started toward the door, then waited a few minutes for the excited nations to run out first, America led the way. Iceland finally followed out and decided to head for the airport instead of a hotel, he didn't want to stay in the same hotel as the rest of the crazy nations. Only problem, Finland had his ticket.

The five of them decided to get three plane tickets in case they wanted to leave early, the other two would stay if there was anything else important; Sweden's plan, and a pretty good one too. That was, he thought it was. "What do you mean you don't have the ticket?" He asked. Finland nervously laughed a bit.

"W-Well you see," He started. "Norway wasn't feeling good so he wanted to go home. The second he said that, Denmark jumped for the other ticket."

"And the third one?"

"Sealand went with them." He laughed nervously again. Iceland blinked.

"Seriously? You gave the last ticket to Sealand?" He asked. "Why?"

"B-Because he wanted to go home with them, Sweden told him to as well." Finland said. "Norway and Denmark could end up starting up a panic on the plane."

"Good point..." Iceland said. "But now I have no where to go."

"You didn't make a reservation?"

"I cancelled it because I was going to go home...."

"O-oh." Finland stuttered. "Oops?-I'm sorry Iceland!"

"It's fine. I'll figure something out." He sighed.

"I could help you there-Aru!" China popped in between them. "Iceland! You can spend the night at my place-Aru."

"China?" Iceland asked. "I-it's fine. I can get a place to stay."

"Please! I insist!" China smiled. "I won't ask for anything, it's just nice to have company over yes?"

"I suppose so."

"So come stay! It's just for a night!" China got all excited now.

"O-Okay. It's just one night." Iceland said. China smiled and grabbed onto Iceland's arm like an excited child.

"Well come on then!-Aru!" He started to pull poor Iceland away before he could say another word. Finland stood there and waved to the pulled away nation.

China didn't have many other nations over, at least none of the Asian nations who stopped by regularly. Russia always creeped in, he never wanted him there, France stopped by, another person he didn't want there, and even England and America stopped by; you should know by now he didn't want those two over either. Iceland on the other hand, he was quiet and perfect company; if he didn't give China a head ache, he was welcomed.

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