Part One

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6 Years Ago

Jesabelle and her older brother Mason were walking out of the grocery store, "Mason I'm tired" Jesabelle groaned, "Fine. Jump on" he sighed in defeat as his 9 year old sister jumped on his back for a piggy back ride, "are you gonna make me carry you the whole way home?" He asked, "mhmm, look at my feet" she said taking her shoe off to reveal her foot that was covered in cuts and bruises, "Jess, what happened?" He asked, "nothing, it's just from ballet it does that but it hurts, which is why I can't walk all the way home" she said, "Want me to ask dad if you can quit?" He asked, "No, I like ballet" she giggled, "all right, wait here, I'm gonna go across the road and use the payphone and call us a cab, Okay? Don't move" he said as she hopped off his back, "okee dokee" she smiled, he then crossed the road and called the taxi company, "Hi, uh, can I get a cab at Jeffs' diner please?", "Whats your last name?" "Devon" "All right a taxi will be there shortly" "Thanks, bye" he said as he hung up the phone, he then looked over and saw a man and a woman talking to Jessie and holding her arm, panicking he went to cross the road, as he went to cross a truck went by and he stepped back, by the time the truck passed he saw the man and woman throw Maddison into the back of a car and drove off, "Jessie! Jesabelle!" He yelled running after the car, it turned the corner and he couldn't see the car anymore, his little sister had just been kidnapped.

5 hours later

"Ms. Devon we're doing everything we can to find your daughter, we'll try our best to bring her back safe and sound I promise" the sheriff said comforting the woman, "Mom I'm so sorry" Mason said, "Just stay quiet Mason don't you think you've caused enough problems already?" His father snapped at him, "Daniel leave him alone he's 17 years old it's not his fault" Mrs Devon replied, "You're right. I'm sorry son. Sheriff Mitchell, the second anything comes up call us straight away, please" Mr. Devon asked as the sheriff was leaving, "will do, Daniel" she smiled sympathetically before leaving, the whole family, Jesabelle's parents, her 2 brothers, Mason and Michael, and her grandfather were all left sitting there, knowing there was nothing they could do but just sit there and wait for her to be brought home.

6 years later

Jesabelle has been missing for 6 years now, all hope has been lost really.

Mason was at the garage he was working at with his older brother Michael, "do you still think about it?" Mason asked, "about Jess?" Michael asked, mason nodded, "Every single day" Michael replied, "mom fell asleep in her bed last night again" Michael said, "she would be 15 now... you're 23 and I'm 26, our lives were so different before she left, now everything's changed... do you... do you still think she could be out there somewhere?" Mason asked, "Honestly, yeah, I do. I don't know if she's hurt, or if she managed to escape and just never found her way back here, but i still think she's alive" Michael said, "Does it make me a horrible brother if I say I don't think she's still here?" Mason asked putting his head down, "no, it doesn't, so don't ever think you're not a good brother, you're her favourite, you always were, no matter what you do you'd always be a great brother, just try and keep your hopes up, I know there's not much chance of it but just try" Michael said trying to reassure his younger brother, they then looked at the news channel that was playing, The brothers aunt was the news reporter, "Police went to check out a noise complaint, and they ended up finding 5 missing people being held captive for god knows how long, while the identities have not yet been revealed, saving these 5 people must have took a lot of bravery, and were lucky to have the police force that we have here in LilyDale" The news reporter said, "Do you think we should call her and tell her her fly is down?" Mason chuckled, "nah, we'll let her figure it out herself once everyone notices" Michael chuckled back.

A few hours later, "update on the 5 people who were saved earlier, 2 of them have now went home with their families, we still haven't been told the identities yet but the reunions we have saw so far were definitely heart warming and we're happy to see them all go home safe" she then put her mic down quickly as one of the news crew whisper something to her, "Okay, the identities are finally being revealed, what's their names?" She asked her co-reporter, "Connor White, Alexis Allen, Bronwyn Jessamine, Jesabelle Devon, and Allison Sanders" He said, "w-wait, say that name again?" She said, "which one?" He asked, "Jessie?" She said turning around to the kidnap victims, "oh my god Jessie" she said dropping her mic and running to the police officer so he would let her past the police tape.

"W-wait, dude, turn the tv up" Mason said, Michael grabbed the remote and turned it up, "rewind it a little bit" he said, "-wyn jessamine, Jesabelle Devon and Alli-" they then both shot up and bolted out the door, as they were running to the location they also passed their house and saw their parents run out the house too and they decided to all get in the car, when they arrived they all broke down in tears when they saw that it was really her, just older, "m-Jessie?" Mason said choking up, she turned around and burst into tears the second she saw who it was and ran into masons arms, she just started sobbing and so did he, Michael and her parents ran over too and started hugging her and crying and they stayed like that for god knows how long, "I knew we'd find you princess I just knew it" her dad sobbed barely making out proper words.

This is just the beginning of Jessabelle Devon's story...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2019 ⏰

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