Reist is vry edgy

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Once upon a time there was a reist. Resit was very edgy and gay and no one liked him and he felt very bullied ebcause of this so sad :((((((((((((((((

Why did everyone hate reist tho, he was a n inncoent bioy and uhhhhhhhhhhhh yes

Jk reist actually sucked xdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd (not really i mean idk what)

onc day reist came across a whild doogo!!!!!!!!!!! and they sinstantly in love!!! (it was p gross tbh) wowrowowowowowoowowowowowowowowowowowowoow

but owo whats this?????????????????????????????


THEY WERE BOTH FAKE AF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tehy sais they loved each other but actually they were just deperate children who thought they need a gf/bf to be hip and cool which is w akc

everyone notcied this because as soon as reist and doggo started there fake gay dating thing reist slowly became more and more emo

(like actually he used to just whine when people bullied him but he got mean for no reason WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

so on day we were having a gr8 pokemon battle and kags said u suc

and he said no u

and kags said (uno reverse card) and 

resit got made


he left

bye frp ever

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