Just a little goof with Medic and Scout

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"For zhe last time Scout, no."

"Aw c'mon doc, pleeeaasse!"

"Vhy did you even ask me about vhis? A love potion has nozing to do vith medicine--or science for zhat matter!"

The Medic was tired. No, not tired, exhausted. Today's battle was overwhelming to say the least. Everybody was completely carless on the battle field ((everybody except apy at least)) and had him running around like a madman. His body ached and begged for sleep but he still had paperwork left to do, at least until Scout walked in.

"C'mon I'm beggin' ya here doc! I mean--I know I'm irresistible to every lady I see, Miss Pauling especially, but maybe if had a little somethin' more, to y'know make me even more irresistible, then she'd totally date me!", Scout beamed. "I mean, ya brought Sniper back to life or whatever, right? Then this should be a piece a' cake!"

Medic rubbed his temples, not in the mood to deal with Scout's shit right now. He stood up from his desk and walked over to a cabinet on the far side of his room and opened it. Rummaging through it for a bit he finally pulled out a bottle with a label written in German. Walking back over to Scout he handed the younger of the two the bottle.

"Here. One sip of zhis and it vill, as you said 'make you even more irresistible'."

Scout grinned and snatched the bottle out of the Medic's hand. "Freakin' awesome!", he said jumping out of his seat and speeding to the door. "You're the best doc!", he said before slamming it shut.

Medic chuckled and shook his head. He was going to save that baboon sperm for later but he could always get some more.


I can't say im proud of this

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