Bring Him Home

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After landing hard on her shoulder, Ahsoka was reluctant to stand up. The darkness emanating from the Sith temple grew easier to ignore by the second. Vader was leaving. She stood up, gripping her shoulder, a painful reminder that she wasn't young enough to shrug off the pain anymore. She turned to look at the portal she'd fallen out of so gracefully. It wasn't there, just the lower level of the now empty temple.

"When you get back, come and find me!" Ezra's parting words.

"I will," she'd promised before she took the path towards the portal from whence she came.

Ahsoka knew she was better off on her own, being distant and mysterious, helping from the shadows. But she was going to keep her word. She'd been about his age when she left the Jedi Order. She'd lost so many friends during the Clone Wars and in the years afterwards. She didn't want Ezra to lose anyone else, not even her.

Just before Ezra had pulled her into his time, Vader had been about to...The way Ezra reacted to seeing her again implied that she wouldn't have walked away alive from their fight if not for his intervention.

"May the Force be with you, Ezra Bridger," she murmured. She started walking towards the triangular door. It was the only way she could go, at least for now.

"Come on, Morai," Ahsoka said as she descended the stairs. She'd make her way back. The Rebellion needed her. Ezra needed her.

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