Chapter 6

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A week and two days had passed- they just kept adding 3 days everytime. On the plus side Finn was coming in with Charlie today- that was one thing that would break up the day.


I threw my arms around him and buried my head in his hair "Hi babe- you okay?"

"Yup! I got you something."

He rooted in his nursery backpack and pulled out a piece of paper. I unfolded it and smiled. He started pointing "That's you, that's me in the middle and that's daddy and it's sunny and we're at the resivor-" I smiled he could never say "reservoir" right

"I drew it today when I was at nursery." He said proudly

"Thank you Charlie." I murmured

"OK mommy, I gotta go now."

"Why?" I looked at Finnick

"Daddy wants to talk to you in private- which means I'm not allowed to listen."

He picked his backpack up and skipped out the room.

"He seems a lot happier without me?" I mumbled

Finn paused and said "Only coz he was getting to see you today."

He sat on the bed with me and pulled me onto his lap "I love you- we both do."

"But how long can we keep this up? Me being stuck in here?"

"As long as it takes until you're out."

I sighed "It's like a prison in here."

He pulled me back on to the bed with him and stroked my thigh. He kissed me all the way down my jaw. I smiled "Missed me?" I teased

"Every dammed day." He mumbled

"Anyway," I giggled "You had to have an adult conversation with me?"

"Yeah," He said going neutral "You said you'd start talking to me?"

"The night before your appointment," He whispered stroking my hair "Start there?"

So, I told him. Charlie was being attacked and there was nothing I could do to save him.

"Oh." He said quietly brushing the tears away from my face.

"Lily, that won't happen." He mumbled

"I can't stay in this room forever." I whispered

"You won't have to, I swear."

A nurse came in and smiled saying "Visting hours are about to end but if you'd like Mr. Odair, you can stay the night?"

"I have to take Charlie home?"

"Would you like me to make a phone call? Anyone I can contact to collect him?"

"Umm...My mom or Lily's mom?"


My mom came in and muttered "Charlie wanted to say bye?"

He sat on my knee and twiddled with my hair "Bye-bye mommy?"

"Bye sweetheart, be good for nanna, yeah?"

He nodded "I will."

"See ya buddy." Finnick said ruffling his hair

Charlie grinned "Bye daddy."

He jumped off my knee and took my mom's hand

"See you both tomorrow?" My mom mumbled

I nodded "See you later mom."

She smiled gently and closed the door behind her. The lights went out automatically.

"The lights go out after visting hours?" He said


He kissed me down the jaw line and tickled his hand down my thigh until I giggled. I pulled him back on to the bed with me while he ran his hand down my back. He kissed me hard and rived his t-shirt off. I pulled down the straps of my vest and dived on him with longing. He cuddled me and we rolled right off the bed on to the floor. We both paused awkwardly and burst into laughter.

"That worked out how I expected?" I sarcastically chimed

He scooped me up and laid my on the bed "Second try?"

I snuggled into his arms and whispered "As long as it's going to be that good that I won't be able to walk tomorrow?"

"That shouldn't be too hard to do?" He teased

"Shut up." I whispered nuzzling into his neck

He pulled me back and rolled me onto his chest. I moved into him and we brushed our bodies against each other. He dragged his hand through my hair as I clung on to him and kissed his shoulder.

"I've missed you." He breathed

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