I was tagged by @user8829583 i dont have pic.. sry for that😔😔😔
So 13 facts about me...
1) I am Kowshika . I was born on 12/10. Bascially an Tamilian but know 4 languages Tamil, English,Hindi and Malayalam. I have a younger sister.
2)Wanna be a Psychiatrist . I love listening to people.
3) Love to read. My favourite genre are dark, mystery, love..
4) My hobbies are drawing, listening songs.
5) Foodie. Spicy foods are my love.
6) I am an extrovert in social but an introvert in social media.
7) Maths is my favourite subject.
8) Daydreamer.
9) I love night more than day.
10) I would see advantage in everything but when i am broke, i am fully broken.
11) When me and my sister joins it will be a big headache for mom and dad. We would fight like crazy and next moment we would be together.12) I love my family and friends alot. If people say anything about me i would eventually forget and forgive but i wouldn't stand a word against my loved ones.
13) I will not get angry easily if so it will be disastrous. Will wait until the person pushes me to the limit to react.So these are 13 facts about me. Seriously i don't know how it is. And its my first in Wattpad.