Hey reader today is quite boring and I have completely forgotten to use punctuation. Except for that full stop that you can see at the end of the previous sentence.
Today Kyle thought that the wall was talking and said he used a metaphor. But no he was wrong. He actually used personification.Fun fact of the day
Dun dun dunnnn.Did you know that my geography teacher is actually related to kate Winslet.
How cool is that! Exclamation mark!!!Funny story of the week.
My friend Aaron was pooed on by a bird 3 times in 3 days.
He doesn't know what he has done for the bird population to upset them.Ambashadow when you read this you will be so confused what I have ever been doing all this time on your phone.
From your good friend Charlotte
That is the end of today's story.
Until next time.Bye.