The Efficiency of Joy Part 1 of 4

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  Audio Reading:

"What's up?" Ursula was early, wanting some alone time with Biella.

"Thinking about a somewhat complex topic I promised someone I would elaborate on," Biella replied. "It has many parts. I'm thinking on it to get a view of the whole. Or some sort of angle from which to communicate. Tricky. Unrelated, but I like it."

"Unrelated to?"

"Oh, umm, yes," Biella chuckled, "Unrelated to what I was thinking about earlier."

Ursula scowled at Biella with mock perplexity, "Really now," she exhaled with exaggerated drama, earning a giggle from Biella.

"Okay okay, I was thinking about the struggles we have with equanimity. Well not you, but some of us. I imagine you had experience with others having this trouble back on your old world. The Young Man was particularly perplexed by this."

"That surprises me," Ursula's interest sharpened, she was a big fan of the Young Man.

"He had many sides. As much as he loved Awareness, his struggle, and much of the value we have derived from his writings over the centuries, stemmed really from his persistence and insistence on overcoming the unawareness he constantly dealt with. He was perplexed by what seemed at times to him like an outside control of his moods and motivations."

"I can relate to that," Ursula grinned, "Here on Nobelia it's easy to maintain equanimity, the force of the combined energy, mood, and emotional climate is powerful. I just couldn't be in any sort of untoward mood here, I'd feel like a right..." Ursula faltered, her word of choice not feeling appropriate. But Biella's raised eyebrow persisted in its prompting. "Ha, okay then, feeling like a right turd." Biella grinned back, waiting for more.

"But truly, I just don't feel that way here, I always feel good, always in a good mood, there's nothing to be annoyed at, or irritated by. I suppose I could find something if I tried, but, my tolerance level is off the charts because the energy is so high here, pulls mine up along with it."

Biella nodded. "That is so. The Young Man generally had high energy, and it sometimes caused him problems when his energy was mismatched. Mainly for him, he said, he ran into problems of equanimity when he encountered inherent contradiction. When he was put into situations where no matter what he did, he saw a problem. This he had difficulty with."

Ursula took hold of this information on the Young Man, thinking it through. "Could it be related to how much he cared?"

Continued in Part 2:

Excerpted from: The Biella Series. (For Comments)

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