The Mist Can't Hide Scars

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Percy was late for class. Usually, this would seem like an as per usual event but Percy had had a recent change in behavior. He can't credit himself for this; Annabeth definitely had her share of guilting and influencing and "You are not a dropout kind of guy" and "demigods are half human so you better act like it" and "I know it's been hard but it's always going to be hard. Are you a quitter Seaweed Brain?" So Percy went to school. Four more months and with some good behavior, the help of Paul and some charmspeak, Percy should come out with a high school diploma.

He ran down the hall to the changeroom. Before he even swung open the doors, he could hear the hawking laughter and loud, bright voices. He jogged over to an empty spot on the benches and threw his bag down. Hopping on one foot he yanked off his converse and then fished around his bag for gym socks. "Morrison held you back?" a short, buff guy named Neal questioned, as he slammed his locker.

"Yeah," Percy grumbled, glancing up at him. A shrill TWEEE rang through the air. Percy stumbled and scrambled for Riptide. He grabbed the cap and was about to pull it off when he heard a voice,

"Everyone late again!" Coach Marks bellowed as he swung open the gym doors. The few guys left in the room flew into high gear of changing. Percy stood frozen, bronze pen in hand, heart racing.

" - when that class bell rings you should be dressed and inside starting warm up! I don't want to have to blow that whistle again, ya'll have -" Percy leaned against his locker and tried to think straight, heart pumping.

"JACKSON! What are you doing?" Percy snapped back into motion and without a second thought he pulled off his shirt and bent over to dig through his gym bag for his gym shirt. He heard the gym doors swing open and shut as the voices and shuffling of the guys quieted. He still couldn't find his damn shirt. He was stooped over, fishing through the bag when he realized how bare his back was, and he had the feeling he was being watched. He slowly straightened and turned to face the room. Some guys were oblivious, tying their shoes. Neal and three other guys across the bench from him stood frozen, mid-conversation. They had seen. They wouldn't look him in the eye. Neal cleared his throat and looked up at him.

"What happened there, Jackson?" He was trying to make it light. The mist didn't hide scars, and Percy's body was covered in them. No amount of ambrosia could prevent a demigod from having their body marked. He knew how it must look. A long scar started at the center of his chest and cut down to his ribcage. His back was littered with claw marks and a large messy spot where a dagger had gotten around his armor. His shoulder and lower back still held burn marks from his time in Tartarus. It didn't help that he was so tan from training. It only made the shining white marks pop. He always waited for a moment when everyone's back was turned to make the quick shirt exchange, but today he fucking forgot.

Percy swallowed and looked into Neal's eyes, keeping the straight face he had long mastered. He scratched his jaw, trying to seem nonchalant. Didn't work. They stared at him. He felt a heavy ball in his throat.

"Sports," he said gruffly and stuffed on his shirt that was on the bench the whole time and walked, straight-backed to the gym. He's not a quitter.


A/N This is the first if a series of "Percy at School" type fics. They'll be under the name Among Mortals so toss a follow and you'll be the first to read the next part! 

I got this idea from a headcanon on tumblr so I don't take credit for that! 

If you want, please review and let me know if there's anything that could be improved. Thanks guys :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2018 ⏰

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