100 Reasons why Harry Potter is better than Twilight

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A/N: ehehehe, i found this on Deviant Art... it was made by : YugiOhWeirdo01

1. Harry Potter fans aren't vain and we don't base our favourite books depending on how "hot" the vampires and werewolves are.

2. HP books are much better written and English teachers agree with this comment.

3. Stephen King hates Twilight and loves Harry Potter and we can all rely on Stephen King (Author of The Shining) to be a good critic.

4. Twilight may include beautiful romantic elements. However, Harry Potter includes many beautiful romances, lots of exhilerating adventures, action, magic...the list could go on.

5. There are many more layers to the plotline, story and genre of Harry Potter.

6. Even Cambridge graduates enjoy Harry Potter.

7. Harry Potter has an adult version as it is aimed at a wide variety of the population. Twilight is in the teenage section & the teenage section alone.

8. Harry Potter fans can spell and put forward a decent argument on these discussion groups, not like "omg rpattz is hot n stuff".

9. Robert Pattinson was Cedric before Edward and he looked and acted better as that role.

10. Kristen Stewart can not act as Bella-she blinks too much and bites her lip. Is that all she can do with that character?

11. I don't blame Kristen for the above. Bella is a very boring character and I doubt there's much you can do with someone who is totally dependant on a man and who falls over at any given moment.

12. How does Twilight even make sense? If Jasper goes crazy over a paper cut then he wouldn't be allowed to go to school where people get paper cuts all the time.

13. If it tortures Edward so much to not drain Bella dry then how does he contain himself when she has her...monthly visits...grim thing to mention I know but it is a valid point!

14. Harry Potter is the hero who conquered the Dark Lord. Bella Swan is the heroine who conquered The Volturi...oh wait, no she didn't. That's right...she just blocked their powers with her mental barrier and let them walk away after killing an innocent vampire. That's justice for you!

15. Hermione and Ginny and (even) Luna are good role models for young women. Unlike Bella who falls apart after losing Edward and only gets back to normal (ish) when she meets Jacob.

16. I have actually read both book series' unlike a lot of the Twilight fans who have probably never even looked at a Harry Potter book.

17. Although Rowling may have been inspired by some ideas from Greek Mythology, The Lord Of The Rings, Star Wars? and The Little White Horse, at least she only adapted a subtle amount of these influences into her novels. Unlike Meyer who (so obviously) copied the romantic structure of events from Wuthering Heights and stole many of LJ Smith's ideas.

18. Vampires die in the sunlight, don't they? They do not sparkle. I don't understand why teenage girls are going crazy over this. Surely sparkling is something a girl would like to do. Not something a girl would like her boyfriend to do!

19. Also, a vampire without fangs? Seriously?? Isn't that just a deranged human?

20. Team Edward and Team Jacob are just a way to cause arguments amongst Twilight fans. I think it's safe to say that most Harry Potter fans respect whether another prefers Harry, Ron, Fred, George, Bill, Sirius, Lupin, Snape, Draco or even Voldemort!

21. There is a Harry Potter Theme Park. A THEME PARK! Hello?

22. Wizards eat normal food and so they get to visit Honeydukes sweet shop which is full of the most delicious sounding treats you will EVER read about. Vampires drink blood? Oh...yum.

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