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A shower sound and loud music playing in the room. The door opened and a guy stepped out wiping his hair with a towel. "Aishh.. Piece of crap.." throwing the towel to the laundry and take the blower. Plug it then start drying his hair with. His phone ring for a second then stop. He looked at his phone then sighed, "Why did you call?"

"To inform you that you need to get in here ASAP! Jungkook you're the one who needs to handle this business not me.."

"Aishh.. Hyung I just from the bed.."

"BED?!! I hear a blower!"

"A shower I meant.." He cleared his throat then walked to his walk-in closet picking his tuxedo and neck tie, "What's the problem?"

The call ended. He looked at his phone then groaned, "Damnit forgot to charge..."

Taking off his robe and change then head out to his car. In all the villages his house is the largest. Compared to all the houses around him. His house is the only one who has a tennis court in the backyard and a golf park. It is full of CCTV too. Every single corner has a camera.

Why does he have all this? He's the one and only Jeon Jungkook. A businessman who owns the largest company in entire Nation. They tried to put him down but not only he's good at managing business. He's also a professional money holder. He knows when to spend and when to keep the money.

But basically a playboy. He might be the richest guy you know. He's also the most fuckboy you'll ever met. Brings girls to his house and sleep with them then pay them in the next day. He stopped the car in the parking lot.

"Sir, there's urgent matter.. One of the employee in your office found out that there's alot of request from different company to buy your stock but half of it was ignored due to the file problems.." His assistant take his suitcase. He fixed his neck tie then sighed, "I threw the files away.."

"Eh? The one you reject was actually buying a big percent of our stock.."

"Go ahead sell all the stock lets see if you have more to sell once the money loss.." He gave him a serious look. The guy closed his mouth and nod, "Sorry.. didn't think about it.."

"I didn't promoted you to be this retarded.." He rolled his eyes then walked to the elevator. The guy gritted his teeth then enter after him, "So we're just going to ignore the files you rejected?"

"Sent them an email that I reject their offer.." He pressed his phone, "Aishh.. yah.. Charge my phone after you get off in this elevator.."

"A-ahh ye.." He bowed and take his phone then breathe deeply. Jungkook stepped out as soon as he took the suitcase and the door opened. Everyone bowed to him but he didn't give a damn respect to each. Just heading straight to his office and look at the files.

The girl fixed her hair and stand in front of the office's door. Then sprayed something to her mouth and smile, "Sir,.. Uhmm.. Are you——"

"Am I what?"

She gritted her teeth then smile, "Are you free tonight?"

"No.. I don't hangout with my employees.." He demanded. She dropped her jaw and looked at him, "I-I'm not saying hang out with me sir.. I was gonna say there's a girl wanna meet up with you.."

His head lift up and look at her, "Who?"

"She's really really really good looking.. Her name is Minji.. A model.. she's been looking at your profile on the internet and find you interesting.."

"Okay.." he nod his head, "Send me her number.."

Her eyes lightened up and blushed couldn't believe to what he has said to her, "R-really?"

Oh my stranger! ||COMPLETED||Where stories live. Discover now