Demon Child

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Miku's POV:

I looked up at the adults looming over me. They all wore large, sinister smiles, large white coats and weird goggles. A weird combination of you ask me. But what can I do? I'm just a kid.

"24601. It's time to experiment again~" One of the white coats said. He had curly blonde hair, his eyes covered from his goggles.

"Again? But I just got out from an experiment!" I whined, crossing my arms. A white coat with silver hair clicked his tongue in annoyance before grabbing my arm in a death grip and dragging me out of my cell.

"Shut up you brat! Be thankful we haven't killed you off like the others of your kind!" He muttered, glaring at me. I giggled and stuck my tongue out.

"You're just jealous that I'm more fabulous than you!" I replied. The silver haired white coat tightened his grip on my arm before throwing me into a dimly lit room. There was a metal table in the centre of the room and a large fire in one if the far corners of the room. I stumbled towards the metal table before tripping and falling to the floor. The blonde white coat yanked me back to my feet before tossing me onto the cold table. He strapped my arms and legs to the table, the restraints dug into my skin in a painful way. I grinned and looked up at the dark ceiling.

"What's the point in the restraints. Not like anything you'll do will hurt me." I stated.

"Shut up." The silver haired white coat grumbled. The third white coat that hadn't spoken yet, walked towards the fire and picked up a metal rod that was in the flames. He walked back over to me, the end of the rod a bright red. The blonde white coat rolled up my left sleeve, an insane grin making it way to all their faces.

"This will help us mark that you are our property. Our experiment. Our weapon." The blonde said. The third white coat pressed the hot metal to my skin, pressing down. The skin around the metal seemed to bubble up somewhat and became burnt. I blinked once before laughing loudly.

"That tickles! Hehehe~ Stop it!" I yelled, squirming around on the metal table. The third white coat pulled the rod away, revealing a bloody and burnt mark that kind of looked like two circles connected to each other. It looked kinda cool.

"WHATS WRONG WITH THIS CHILD!?!" The third white coat yelled, stumbling backwards and dropping the metal rod. Fear was written all over his face. The yellow haired white coat clicked his tongue.

"Tch. Newbys. Why are we always stuck with them...?" He asked. The silver haired white coat wrote some stuff down on a clip board before un strapping my arms and legs.

"We'll need to run more tests on 24601. It's not the first time physical pain hasn't seemed to phase her." The silver haired white coat said to the others.

"She is the daughter of that demon dragon." The yellow haired white coat spat, glaring at me. I grinned and sat up, looking over at my shoulder. The blood had stopped gushing out of the wound and the burnt skin was mending itself slowly, forming a deep scar. It looked really cool!

"Wait! THAT'S the daughter of the demon dragon?!" The third white coat yelled, his face palming rapidly.

"Duh. That's the whole reason why she's still alive. The only experiment to actually survive our tests. Our ultimate weapon!" The blonde yelled. I winced slightly at the volume before jumping off the table.

"Can I go now? I wanna check on Momo." I stated. The silver haired white coat sighed and rubbed his temple before nodding.

"Fine. You have five minuets with 23705 before your next experiment." He stated, grabbing my arm and dragging me out of the room. I grinned happily and skipped along side him. After a minuet, we arrived outside of another cell. Inside the cell was a small girl with short purple hair and dull blue eyes. She wore a torn and dirty dress that went to her knees. The dress was stained with old blood. The silver haired white coat opened the cell door and looked down at his watch.

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