12 Shiny New Guns

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Tony glanced at the crates in front of them, unsure what was going on. He could tell they were being given weapons-that much was obvious-but what kind he didnt know. Fury looked pretty pleased with himself though.

Bruce was there as well. "How many boxes are there?" he asked.

"Twelve. Twelve boxes of shiny new guns all Different from the last." he answered.

"Natasha is gonna show up in five seconds." he said.

As if on cue, the assassin walked into the room, her eyes gleaming. I heard we got some new toys?

Fury nodded then had the crates opened. Each one is unique in its abilities and they can only be handled by genetically authorized personnel.

So thats what you wanted cheek swabs for. Tony sounded relieved.

He nodded. "Only level seven and up gets clearance for these." Fury smiled.

Steve was a bit nervous about this; guns werent really his favorite. Just what do they do?

Fury smirked a bit and pulled one up, tossing it at the soldier. That one creates high tension frequencies that are specific to enemy weaponry. Its built to recognize SHIELD equipment and leave it functioning. The director pulled up another gun and handed it to Tony. This one is similar, though it emits an electronic energy wave, similar to your blasters. These will stun and render targets immobile for at least ten minutes.

Fury picked up a gun. "This is my favorite one. Gives off a sonic boom that disorientates the enemy."

I want that one. Clint took the gun and smirked a bit. He was going to have fun with this one.

This one shoots darts with a highly powerful controlling agent. One dart gives you control over the targets movements for a good twenty minutes. You can thank Loki for this one. Fury set the gun back in the crate.

"I will." Clint smiled.

"Shoot Loki with it and I'll let Fenrir eat you." Bruce said.

Clint rolled his eyes but didnt say anything more.

Fury pulled up another gun, much slimmer than the others. This one we can thank Stark for.

Tony stood a little taller, a smug grin on his face.

Its a repulser gun that sets up an energy shield around whoevers holding it. You can click the switch on the side and it keeps the shield up so you can use your hands. It also shoots out smaller blasts at your enemies.

Natasha looked a little too pleased with herself. "These are my new best friends."

These two are a set. Fury said as he pulled up two more guns. One of them releases a noxious gas potent enough to kill, the other is has the antidote to make sure your target doesnt die but remains unconscious.

Wait, this one kills?

Its more designed in case we ever fight anything other than human again. Fury said as reassurance. Thats why we have the antidote. He pulled up an eighth gun. This one was modeled after the Chitauri guns. It breaks matter down upon impact.

"Finally starting to wise up about the weapons we use. Bout damn time." Clint chuckled.

"Watch it Barton or I take them all back."

The archer rolled his eyes but didnt say anything more. Natasha smirked a bit, nudging Clint playfully.

This one is my personal favorite. Its a sniper rifle remake. Its silenced completely and has range three times longer than any other model out there.


It launched miniature rockets capable of tearing tanks apart.

"This, this is one of the best ones we've got." He smiled.

Clint frowned when he saw the man smile.

"We managed to harness the same structure as Loki's shadows. This gun can be fired at a machine to render it useless."

Tony smirked a bit, looking the gun over. He had, of course, helped a bit as far as the mechanics of the gun.

We also have this beauty. Fury pulled out another and set it out. It was much, much smaller than the others and had a strange shape. It releases a hallucinogenic gas that stimulates fear in the targets.

"Does Loki know you're putting him out of work?" Natasha asked.

"We're not putting him out of work. We're just using some of what he does. The fear won't be permanent like what Loki can do.

Natasha nodded and looked the gun over before playfully pointing it at Clint. The man tensed and moved back then frowned at Natasha.

Whats the last one?

Fury smirked, clearly having saved this one for last. This one I think well all have fun with. I worked with Stark and Loki on this one, and we borrowed some Asgardian technology for it. He helped up the last gun. It was heavy looking though surprisingly light.

Whats it do? Bruce asked curiously.

It opens portals. Were working on making smaller versions of these to use during high-stakes missions, but for now we only have this one. It can open portals to any point on the planet and even go as far as the moon.

Clint extended his hands in a grabby fashion. "Gimme." he said.

I dont think I need to remind any of you that these are still weapons and they are dangerous. Theyre designed to keep the earth safe, not just one person. So handle em with care.

And theyre expensive. Tony added.

"And I'll skin you if they get damaged." Loki said.

Clint jumped when he heard the green eyed god's voice.

Tony just laughed at Clint then looked at Loki. I was wondering when youd show up.

Fury just rolled his eyes and shook his head. Would have been nice if you told me youd be showing up.

Loki rubbed his large belly and blinked at the other. Fury took a few steps back still very well aware at how annoyed Loki got.

Tony just smirked and put an arm around his husband proudly.

"Please just have the damn baby already." Clint said. Loki was volatile when he wasn't pregnant and when he was it was a right nightmare for him.

Hey, watch your language around my kid. Tony pouted upset then rubbed his hand across Lokis belly.

Fury just shook his head. Im not saying we need these guns now, but its better to have them and not need em.

"Stop touching me." Loki ordered Tony. He wasnt in a touchy mood or even a pleasant mood for that matter.

Tony moved his hand away and shrugged a bit. It was a gamble what mood Loki might be in when he was pregnant.

Clint snorted and shook his head. Doesnt take you long to get in trouble, does it?

Longer than it takes you. He smiled sarcastically at the archer.

Behave kids, or Santas gonna take all these gifts back. Fury interjected, not wanting a fight.

Loki chuckled. "Now, Anthony since I cannot fit behind the stirring wheel of that damned car please picked up these things for me." Loki said handing him a list. It was all food he'd been craving that day.

Tony glanced at the list and sighed quietly but nodded. Ill get it.

Aw, look at that: Stark on a leash. Clint smirked a bit, shaking his head.

"Shut up. He's not on a leash he's a husband, who loves his family and his husband and would do him the favor. Say it again and I'll have your heart." Loki waddled away and Clint stayed still.

"He's the only person that can be threatening with a big belly and waddle." Fury said.

Tony stuck his tongue out at Clint then smirked triumphantly. It was good to have a scary husband sometimes.

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