1. Chaos

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"You need to work harder on your test next time," Mrs. Gene gives me a small glare while handing me my math test with a big red U on it.

"I know," I answer as I take my sheet and quickly tuck it behind other papers in my folder.

"See me after school, Kotetsu," she says before moving to the next girl.

It was school in my 4th period, and 8th grade is worse than 7th and 6th grade. We had more tests and a whole lot more homework. I missed my 6th grade teachers; they didn't assign a lot of work and we never had more than 1 test in a classroom all at once. I guess I shouldn't be complaining since high school will a lot worse.

After 15 painfully slow minutes of Mrs. Gene explaining our packet for homework, the bell finally rang.

I sat up slowly and put all of my notebooks into my binder before slinging the strap around my shoulder and started to my locker.

"Miori! Wait up!" I look out of the corner of my eye and see it's my best friend, Riko Ayasagawa.

Riko was a brunette who always had a smile on her face—the opposite of me, it seems. I had lost count of how long we've been friends since I can only recall memories with her in my brain.

"Hey," I mumble as she catches up to me.

"Did you hear the news?" she asks.

"Depends," I reply, not glancing at her.

"Miori, it was terrible! The news people claim that a new group has formed and they're bloody murderers!"

"Wait, what?" I suddenly stop in my tracks and look at her. "What do you mean?"

"The killers were said to be all men, and they usually crash parties in big buildings—like a school big—and they slaughter everyone! And I mean everyone."

"Why are you telling me this?" I reply, more frightened than intrigued.

"Because I wanted to get your attention, silly," Riko giggles lightly. "You've been too absorbed into school and it seems like you don't pay attention to anyone. I decided to use the news to see if it would get your attention; and it worked."

"Sorry, just been busy," I shrug before walking up to my locker.

"That's what you said yesterday and last week," Riko looks up at me worriedly. "Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yes," I wince slightly when I hear the sharpness in my tone.

"Oh...okay," Riko gives me one more glances before walking to her next class.

No wonder why Riko is my only friend, who else would want to be friends with me? I'm a complete loser who snaps at anyone who tries to talk to me.


I walk briskly to my Science class and take my seat close to the back of the class. 

"Oi," a pencil taps the back of my shoulder. 

I take a deep breath before taking out my notebook. "What do you want, Ongaku?"

"I saw your math score on the bulletin board in front of the school today. You didn't do so hot."

My nails dig into my palms as I write what Mr. Gray was writing on the white board. Ongaku is an annoying rich brat who brags about her high test scores and the expensive clothes she buys. She's shown me up since kindergarten and seems to be an expert in most things, but especially music. I hate her so much since she always gloats like she just won the Nobel Peace Prize.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2018 ⏰

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