I tracked Flint all the way to Charlestown, knowing my beloved was with him. He never returned to me as he promised and it was something I couldn't let slip by. I rode excitedly into the sea of people who were watching his trial. I stopped my black stallion behind a few people, my horse snorted loudly and it drew his attention to me. I tipped my black tricorn, he knew who I was, I could see it in his eyes he recognised me but he also had a glimmer of hope that I would save him.

I sat proudly on my steed listening to every word, reins in one hand, the other hovering over the pistol on my waist. Governor Ashe looked at me but I didn't move I just glared at him, my mission was to end him little did he know. My gaze then fell onto Flint whose trial began. A few moments later and a man named Charles Vane sauntered in, he threw a book at the governor and caused him to take a break and I took this as my chance to do my job and take my ticket to see him again.

I rode away catching the eyes of the pirates as I turned tail. I followed Ashe to his house, I threw my leg over my horses head and ran into his home not giving him time to react as I slit the guards throats open. "Please!" He begged, as he saw me storm in, blood stained and blood thirsty.

"I shan't give you mercy after the shame you showed lady Hamilton!" I snarled. "I saw and heard everything that happened last night. It just validated my purposes for being here." I growled looking down the length of my blood covered blade.

"P. . . Purposes?" He stuttered.

"You see I'm here for Flint and to end you." I told him.

"You wouldn't dare!" He exclaimed as I pushed him over the desk and held my blade to his throat.

"Ha!" I laughed as I ran my blade over his throat causing him to gurgle and choke on his own blood. I turned my back and walked out shooting his body guard with out looking at him, I ran to the square and cut through Charles' and Flints chains. "Run!" I exclaimed.

"Who are you?" Flint asked, but I didn't answer I made my way to the jetty the men following me, but the cannons were soon fired and shattered everything around us, we killed men, left, right and centre. Just as they reached a long boat I was grabbed and pulled back, I saw how concerned they were.

"Go!" I yelled, just as a man caught the left side of my throat with his sword blade. I head butted him and jumped off the jetty and into the water just as a canons fire blew it up. Charles and Flint not seeing me, they had already hit the haze from the ship, I began to take deep breaths, I attempted to stop myself from drowning, it was a gamble but it was one worth taking. I climbed up the side of the ship and hit the deck hard, Flint and Vane staring at me.

I didn't say a word, I rushed to the galley, one hand pressed to my throat and I thrust my knife into the fire, once it was burning red I pulled my long black hair from my neck and pressed it hard into my wound cauterising it. I then heard familiar screams, it was John. I ran to the sound and saw the men gathered around him. A few holding him down, I saw the state of his leg and knew immediately what was going to happen. I rushed in and pushed one of the men out of the way.

"Z. . . Zada?" He stuttered.

"My love." I answered looking down at him. I looked back and noticed the physician held the blade. "Keep your eyes on me." I told him. Before I could comfort him any further, it began. His screams filling the room, he squeezed my hand, his agony filled eyes hurt as they locked with mine. "I know, it's almost over." I lied hoping it would make him more comforted, I stroked his hair, I did my best my own blood loss was beginning to get to me but I fought hard, I was going to see John through this.

As soon as it was over and his limb removed, he passed out while I fell back from the table and onto the floor. The physician turned his head to me. "Get her out to the deck." He ordered, thinking that I was some poor weak woman who couldn't take the sight of what I had just seen, it didn't bother me but I had used up a lot of strength to get myself here. They hauled me up and took me out to the deck. I leant on the side, and stared out at Charlestown it was destroyed.

I heard someone walk behind me. "Captain Zada of the Black Rose. The Blood Rose to be exact." Charles spoke up. I turned  my head to him. "Tell me was he worth returning for?" He asked. I nodded too weak to even punch him or even consider it.

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