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It's quiet. To quite! There's barely any sound. The only thing to be heard is Emily's heart as it pounded her chest at a hundred miles per hour.

Emily quietly walks across the empty hallway to the slightly open doorway. She peeks through it and sees her mother, Madeleine lying on the bed, crying softly. She's as pale as a ghost with eyes that are puffy and red from all the crying she did in the past few days. The baby within Madeleine was draining all her energy. Today was the day that the baby would come out. Suddenly, a shadow flickered across the door and nearly gave Emily a heart attack. Her heart was pounding so hard and fast that she was afraid the other people would hear her. She sent a silent prayer to the gods asking them to make sure she wasn't found. The shadow started going around the four poster Madeleine was laying on, her face twisted and she started screaming. Thing was, no sound was coming out of the room.

Moonlight started coming through the curtains and illuminated the room. Emily could see the person that was previously concealed in shadow. She wore a long black gown with a black vail covering her face. The lady was muttering something while going around the bed. Madeleine was still screaming. Her face was contorted into a face filled with fright and a silent scream of pain. Emily was really scared. She wanted to run away and imagine this evening never happened but her overwhelming urge to find out what was going on kept her feet still. As Emily kept watching the room was getting brighter and brighter, it wasn't from the moonlight. Madeleine and the unknown lady started to glow. Emily was petrified. She wanted to leave, to stop watching but she couldn't take her eyes of the spectacle occurring right in front of her. It was like she was watching a car crash happen, the world slowed down and kept you frozen and staring as the crash happened.

Sound suddenly started coming out of the room. Soft melodious singing drifted across. The sound of dozens of women. Emily whirled around trying to figure out where the voices were coming from. Emily slowly turned towards the open door even thought every fiber in her body was screaming RUN AWAY!!!. Dozens of new women came into view. They were all the same as the first lady. The glow got brighter and Madeleine was screaming even louder. Emily could only hear the singing as it got louder and louder. There was a sudden flash of light and then abrupt darkness accompanied by dead silence. The pounding of Emily's heart sounded like canon shots in the sudden and complete silence. A soft red light started coming from a mound on the bed that was Madeleine's belly.

"It's time Madeleine. The baby is coming out. You have to bear the pain only a little longer." one of the ladies said to Madeleine.

"Will my child be strong? Will she be the strongest of them all? Will I finally get my revenge?" Madeleine asked. She sounded like a child beging their parent for a candy.

Emily got cold at the word revenge. She wondered what would make her mother so desperate for revenge that she would go through so much pain. She said a silent prayer for the person her mother's revenge was directed at.

"Yes! She will be the strongest of all witches and will finally grant you the revenge you want so badly! She will have the talent to sway anyone and make them listen to whatever she sings! It will only develope when she is 16. She must never know and she must never sing until you want to exact revenge. The longer she dosen't sing the more powerful her song!" the lady said reassuringly.

Emily started to feel the hair on the back of her neck go staright up. Emily was afraid, she thought that witches only existed in fairy tales and not in real life. From what she saw tonight, she found withches really frightening and really real. She thought that her mother was acting wierd and sorta crazy. She swore to herself that she would make sure that her little sister would be able to sing as much as she wanted. 

Knock Knock

At the sound of the knocks the women vanished execept the one that had spoken. She went up in a flash of bright light and standing in her place was the midwife who was hiered to make sure mother had a proper delievery. She gave a reasuring nod to Madeleine and ran out the door into the hall to open the door. Emily was safely tucked into the recess between a large vase and the wall. From her view point she could see her father and the docter run into the room and hear her mother screaming in pain. All Emily could hear was her mother screaming and her father, the doctor and the midwife telling her to keep trying. Finally after an hour and a half emily could hear a baby crying. The doctor did the check up and announced that the child was a girl.

"What will be the child's name?" a gruff and low voice asked.

The voice wasn't her fathers so she guessed that it belonged to the doctor who came in.

"I will call her...Elizabeth. That is a fitting name for my child. Don't you think?" Madeleine replied.

Everyone in the room agreed. Emily was pretty sure that nearly everyone in the room had been drugged or under a spell, as they all agreed in a very monotonal voice and at same time. She found that weird. After mother asked everyone to leave, Emily went to the door of the room to spy. The midwife was there and was talking to Madeleine.

Emily watched as all the ladies from before come and start singing again. Emily wondered how father couldn't hear the singing. This time mother was also singing and changing. She was getting younger and looked like she was around twenty years old when in reality she was around thirty. Elizabeth started crying very loudly. Again no one came running to check why Elizabeth was crying. The voices only started making Elizabeth cry louder. Suddenly Elizabeth opened her eyes. Emily had enought and raced across the hallway to her big brother Edward's room. What she saw there she would never forget. She was going to tell Edward everything she saw.

That last thing she saw in that accursed room was her sisters eyes, as they were glowing bright red. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2018 ⏰

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