the painter

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Encres P.O.V

I slowly got up I made my bed and grabs some clothes. I picked a T-shirt with what seemed to be paint splatters I also grab some comfortable black jeans. I walked to my kitchen which was basically outside my room door manly cos I live in a small house one bedroom one bathroom a kitchen and a small living room. Not much but just right for me I make some toast I grab it and sit down and eat. As I eat I think on what to do today I finish my toast and grab my satchel I look to see how much paint I have I see I'm low on paint. Well, I guess that's what im doing today I grab some of my money and exit my house I lock the door and walk to town I can't say I really like it here there are not many friendly faces. I walk into the store that has paint " Hello Encre how have you been ?" Laura asked " I have been good Laura how have you been?" I asked Laura was one of the 2 people I talk with unless it's someone making an art request. " I've been good I assume you need more paint?" Laura said and like always she's right " yeah how'd you know " I asked I have been here 3 and a half years and I never asked how she always knew " not telling anyways here I saved the best paint for you Encre " Laura said as she handed me some really good paint " thank you, Laura, how much?" I thanked/ asked, "oh Encre you don't need to pay me here how about you paint the night sky for me that sound far?" She said as she handed me some night sky colors " okay I can do that I will try to have it done by next week " I said I walked back to my house it was already 3:00?!? Man time flies when you're talking I think as I get home to unlock the door and relock it I put my new art supplies away all but the night ones I decided to eat dinner now pack a couple snacks and take a nap till nightfall

- time skip to-night - ( sill Encres p.o.v)

I packed my satchel with paint, paint brushes, some water, and snacks, of course, my sketchbook and pens, pencils. I also have my easel and canvas I walk outside to lock the door and stare at the forbidden forest I never got why it was forbidden to go into it it's really calm there I walked pretty far in till I see a clearing I set up and begin painting. As I finish I hear a stick break and get scared. " H-hello???" I stuttered out "..." but no response I looked at my painting but it's too wet to move it. So I have no clue what to do I sighed and sat down leaning on a tree as I sit I became really sleepy and soon fell asleep into the pitch black dreamless sleep.

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