Iron adventures 2.0.1

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It is a time of celebration across the far Galaxy as news of the dark brotherhood's defeat spreads across the galaxy almost overnight.

    "Well, a lot has happened recently. In general news the terrorist organization known as the dark brotherhood, along with it's ally hydra have been demolished some people known as the iron avengers, I have absolutely no clue what an avenger is but what ever the case, they are heroes, in weather news, it's going to be sunny with no chance of terror."

    The iron avengers were eating lunch in the kitchen, having a day off from the decepticons. "In the past few weeks megatron has sent crony after crony. It is nice to get a day off." "Exactly, though I wouldn't mind if it were interrupted." "At the end of the day." Jeremy cleaned off his plate and then decided to go to the workshop area of the hanger. Once there he started working on a new invention, the shrink ray. After an hour, Jarvis spoke up. "Sir, a very peculiar holomessage from the chancellor is coming through." "Pull it up." The screen changed to display the message. It said. "Iron avengers, I have heard through my RRR General padmé that you are the ones who ended the threat in this Galaxy. As a token of our appreciation, I'd like to present you with medals of valor for showing true heroism in the face of impossible odds. If you accept, the ceremony will be tomorrow at 5:00pm. Please respond soon as it proves convenient. Jeremy was speechless. "Sir, that is the most prestigious honor there is, congratulations." "Thanks Jarvis, but we might not be able to do what we do without you." "We both know I just do all the technical knowhow, you do all the real work." "But we wouldn't have the quick and wand zords without your help, you are just as important as any of us." "Thank you sir." Jeremy exited the hanger to tell the others the news.

    In the decepticon warship. "Grrrr, I only want the destruction of the iron avengers, is that so much to ask?" Megatron was not taking another loss well. "Sir, I assure you, victory will be ours eventually." "I don't want eventually, I want victory now starscream!" Starscream was megatron's second in command. "Lord megatron, I just thought of an idea that could work." "At this point, if it brings victory in any way shape or form, I'll take it." "Why not just destroy them from the inside out? Place Shrinker in the head of the leader, and the iron avengers will plunge into chaos." "Diabolical, foolproof, and sneaky, I love it." Megatron started laughing hysterically.

    "No way, we're receiving the medal of valor tomorrow?" "For our heroism in face of impossible odds yes." "What should we wear to the ceremony!" "Either our armored suits, or our dress clothes." Just then, the alarm sounded. "Sir, we appear to have monsters in the plaza terrorizing a teenage girl?" The iron avenger were out the door in seconds.

    Out in the plaza, the girl was running out of tricks when the monsters closed in on her. She turned an alleyway, found it was a dead end, and found herself cornered. The lead monster laughed. "Ha ha ha, now allie butterfly, your time is officially over!" Suddenly, the monsters felt the sun leave them. They turned around and came face to face with the iron avengers. "State your business for terrorizing this young lady foul beasts!" Jack said in his godly voice. The lead monster turned to face a monster, he jumped up and slapped him in the face. "You said she was unguarded!" The monster shrugged and the lead monster got mad. "Attack them you idiots!" The monsters charged at them, they flipped the monsters out of the alley, so they were positioned between the monsters and their reason for being there. The leader was stunned. "Alright just who are you people getting in the way of my destiny!?" "With the power of fire, iron America!" "With the power of ice and stealth, iron widow!" "God of Thunder, iron Thor!" "Strong as a tree, iron hulk!" "Fast as lightning, iron quicksilver!" "Strong in every way, iron wizard!" "Ever changing as the wind, iron falcon!" "With the eye of a hawk, iron Hawkeye!" Resilient as the sea, iron Ant man!" "Power of the sun, iron man!" All together. "Iron avengers, never surrender!" "Iron avengers!? What the heck is an avenger?" "I do not know, but I suggest we retreat." "No retreat, attack!!!!!!!!" The iron avengers readied themselves. "Generate weapons!" Their weapons generated, the monsters halted in their tracks and instantly ran. The leader shouted at them. "Cowards!" Then he ran after them.

    Their weapons degenerated as the girl ran up to them. "Thank you, if you hadn't shown up when you did, those monsters would've succeeded in grabbing my wand." "Is that why those beasts were chasing you?" "Yes, you see, I am a magical princess from another dimension, until my parents kicked me out of our castle, now I travel across the dimensions, searching for a place to stay, but every time I find a good place, those monsters come and find me." "Wow, that is both awesome and sad at the same time, if you want, you could stay at our place." "Really? Thank you thank you thank you, I'm allie butterfly by the way." The iron avengers introduced themselves. "A pleasure it is to meet you all." Jarvis came on the comlink. "Sir, I'm reading a decepticon platoon wreaking havoc near your location." "As I predicted, let's go guys." "Wait, what are decepticons?" "They are bad people who are trying to take over this Galaxy." "Let me come and help you kick their butts." "Ok, but be prepared to fight for your life." "Ok."

The iron avengers have a guest and ally in Allie butterfly. Will she join the iron avengers? Stay tuned as the adventure continues.

To be continued.

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