Pinkie Promise: Oneshot

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Fluttershy was trotting down to Sugarcube Corner. It was a beautiful day, filled with the chirping of birds and the flittering of butterflies. On a day such as today, usually Fluttershy would be taking full advantage. Taking pictures of butterflies for her scrapbook, cuddling with the newly born baby bunnies...

But today was not that day.

It was a day full of worry and fear. Fluttershy was always full of worry, though. What if she had to ask some pony for their last cherry so she could make the perfect treat for Angel Bunny? What if she had a anxiety attack because she couldn't get the last cherry?

It was stuff like that which made Flutters worry on a daily basis. However, today was different. This wasn't just any "panic in the moment" situation! It was much more than that.


Because she had a crush. An undeniable, head-over-hooves crush. With whom? With one of her closest friends...

Pinkie Pie.

And if you haven't already noticed, she was heading there to see her right now.

Fluttershy was scared out of her wits, she couldn't even perform the most simplest tasks that morning. She actually had to wait 35 minutes before she could comb her mane because the thoughts of Pinkie rushing into her head distracted her. So much, in fact, she dropped her comb more than 100 times in that measly 10 minutes. Half of her mane was still tangled as a matter of fact! She was a mess, and she knew that very well indeed.

Before Fluttershy knew it, she had arrived at the front doors of Sugarcube Corner. She took a deep breath, exhaled, and pushed the door open.



Pinkie Pie turned, a huge, beaming grin lighting up her face. "Hi Fluttershy! Haven't seen you in two days! Where have you been? Taking pictures for your scrapbook? Cuddling with the baby bunnies?"

Pinkie knew her so well, it was actually pretty amazing.

Fluttershy giggled at Pinkie Pie's enthusiasm. "Actually, neither."

"Neither?" Pinkie's ears drooped, and her mane flattened. "Were you avoiding me?" 

"No! Of course not, Pinkie. It's a long story."

"Oooooh! I love stories! Tell me! Tell me!" Pinkie pleaded, jumping up and down in pure joy. (It could also be a consequence of the empty baker's dozen of cupcakes on the floor.)

"Fine... but, you have to Pinkie Promise!"

"Cross my heart, and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!"

"Okay, so..."

Fluttershy struggled as to how she was going to put this.

"Once upon a time..."

"Ooooooh, a fairy tale!" Pinkie sat down and perked her ears up, giving Fluttershy her full, undivided attention.

"There was a Princess. Her name was, uh... Princess FlutterPie!"

"Oooh! Pinkie approves!"

Fluttershy giggled before continuing. "Then there was her jester. Jester PinkieShy. So, Jester Pinkie was very good at making other ponies laugh, then one day, Princess FlutterPie realized she was in love with Pinkie."

"Plot twist! I like it."

"But they were very close friends, so they couldn't be together, because it would ruin their friendship... The End."

"The End!? That can't be the end of it!" Pinkie squealed.

"Why not?" Fluttershy questioned, tilting her head.

"Because! Just because their friends, doesn't mean they can't be together! What if Jester Pinkie loved her back."

"Then what would Jester Pinkie do?"

"She would do... this!" 

Pinkie pounced on Fluttershy, kissing her passionately on the lips.

"What now?" Pinkie asked, after she had pulled away.

"Now they live Happily Ever After!"





"Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure." Fluttershy blushed.

"Was that story based on us?"


Pinkie smiled. "Well, then I'm glad."


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2018 ⏰

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