difference is key

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(perrie's p.o.v)

"boom" I feel my head crash against the mirror. Dad usually isn't this drunk to the point he is about to kill me, but it doesnt matter as long as the girls are safe its ok. My stupid mother had to leave me and the girls with this bastard this ugly fuck this womanizer. "GET IN MY ROOM NOW" he yells. I run upstairs body aching like hell. Every part of my body hurts so bad but I have to do this or else he's going to start doing this to the girls.

He walked into the room ripped off my clothes and he.....he raped me AGAIN. I should be used to being treated like an object but im not, he does this every time he gets drunk which is everyday. Once he finishi he yelled at me to get out of his sight.

I went to my room and cried. Tommorow is the day I thought to myself, the day I would leave here. The girls and I. We would have a place to go or to people who cared about us.

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