Chapter 1

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"I fell off the swing and got a cut on my leg"

Taehyung quickly went to get the first aid kit to cure the deep injury on my leg. Taehyung was my bestfriend since childhood....and also my neighbor.To be honest I don't know what I would do without him.He protects me more than anyone and anything.He still does which made me cherish him more and more.

"Haha did you fall?Glad you did"

"Shut up you pabo" On the other hand........jungkook.Taehyung's brother.He's my bully or to be exact my enemy. Even if he was taehyung's brother he was the complete opposite as him. I don't get why he hates me so much but he just does.One time when me and tae were jumping on my trampoline, jungkook grabbed my leg making me fall off of the trampoline and break my arm.I told my parents it was jungkook who made me fall but in front of my parents he was just an angel sent from heaven and of course my parents believed him.At the moment,I was 8 years old,taehyung was 10 and jungkook was just in the middle as a 9 year old.I guess the reason Taehyung is more kind is because he's older....or so that's what I thought as a kid

Taehyung came back running back to me with a worried expression,"Here,give me your leg I'll put alcohol on it and some ointment then wrap it with an ace bandage " Tae said while putting some alcohol on a small towel


"What are you?A doctor now?psh" Jungkook said rolling his eyes at me.Mom and dad went out with Taehyung's and Jungkook's parents to the grocery store to make dinner.So it was just us three in the house.It wasn't a big deal since Taehyung was always there to look out for me but as soon as he leaves, jungkook immediately tries to do evil stuff to bother me and entertain himself.As a kid I just wanted to be friends with him but apparently he didnt.....

~9 years later~

I was on my way to school until I felt a hand grab my shoulder.I turned around and saw a smiling Taehyung,I smiled back as soon as I saw his sweet rectangular smile.

"Goodmorning! Thought you'd wait for me?"He said pouting his lips.

"Well I didn't want to see the devil himself walk out your door to torture me so I just started walking on my own expecting you to catch up" I answered with a chuckle

"Don't worry,you know if he does anything to you he'll regret it when once we get back home" He gave me a wink and continued walking with me."You know....jungkook can be such a burden but once you get to know him he isn't as bad as you think"

"Ha,you think I haven't attempt do that in the past 9 years?? He's the one closing himself to me until I just gave up and started doing the same thing,if that's what he was expecting" I exclaimed in a serious tone

"I think you should've continued a bit longer,it was entertaining seeing you fail everytime you tried to talk to me" a voice said behind me and Taehyung

"Oh great speak of the devil" I said once I saw jungkook walking towards with an evil smile on his face.

"Jungkook, please stop" Taehyung gave him a death glare

"Well that wouldn't be fun now would it?" He suddenly put his arm around my neck and shoot me an evil smirk,"I'm just goofing with you,forgive me?" Since when does jungkook apoligize?Even worse...touch me?

"As if" I replied removing his arm off my shoulder aggressively

*Time skip*

-At lunch-

"Hey did you do the homework? I fell asleep watching tv and totally forgot about it" Mella asked.Mella is one of my other closest friends,not exactly the same as me and tae but we have been friends for 3 years so we're pretty close.

"Aish you always forget to do your homework "

"I'm sorryyyyy! Here I'll take you to the new café shop they just opened down the street and buy you something in return? YEAH?"she begged as I was starting to eat my egg rolls

I had to agree I mean....who wouldn't, it's free food.



Once I reached for my bag next to me to get my homework,I saw a figure standing behind me in the corner of my eyes.I turned around and my face expression suddenly dropped to an annoyed one when I saw jungkook smiling at me with his plate of food.

"Mind if we join?" Taehyung asked sitting next to mella

"O-of course not " Mella replied smiling brightly at Taehyung.Mella had a huge crush on Taehyung.Ever since we both met she also started catching feelings for Tae,she asked me if I could help her out to get closer to him and obviously i said yes because it didn't really bother me her liking taehyung.But when I asked tae how was the relationship between her and Mella,he told me that she was just like a little sister to him and not to worry.I didnt know why he said not to worry and the end but I felt nervous not knowing if I should tell Mella or not since I know that it'll make her really upset but I also wanted to be honest with her and so I did,even though she knew how he felt about her,she still tried to get a chance with him which I find super cute and funny since she just blushes all the time.

"No but why is he here?" I said glancing at jungkook filling his mouth with noodles

"Why?? I don't bite" Jungkook said getting his whole face dirty

"Ugh don't you have any manners? don't talk with your mouth full and you got sauce all over you face" I took a napkin about to throw it at his face until he grabbed my wrist making my eyebrows furrow by his actions

"Wipe it then" he said giving me that same smirk again

There was silence between all of us including mella and taehyung watching the whole scene and how things ecalated quickly.I looked at Jungkook with confussion at what he just said.What the hell is up with this guy? He usually makes fun of me and bullies me now he's apologizing and acting weird?I pulled my arm free and threw the napkin at him

"No,you have hands wipe it yourself " I replied turning back to my egg rolls with slightly pink cheeks

"Aigo junkook, why are you like this?Just leave my eunji alone"Taehyung scolded jungkook.He looked at tae then back at me,He chuckled and continued eating his noodles.I didnt say anything trying to forget what just happened. Me,Mella,and Taehyung talked while we were finishing up our food.I was purposely avoiding any contact with jungkook hoping the period would be over soon.The whole time I felt Jungkook's eyes staring right at me,he wasn't even trying to hide it.He laid his head on his arms once he finished his plate of food then just looked at me until lunch time was over.It made me feel uneasy and tense because he NEVER done this.It was starting to creep me out.Maybe he has an evil plan to hurt me and make fun of me,thats probably the most logical reason.There is no way jungkook is doing this because he wants to be 'nice' to me......euu....just thinking about it made me get a chill down my spine.Jungkook is my enemy not my why?Why is he being oddly nice to me?


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