You Love the Wrong Person

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 "Alex, it's been three years, man. When are you ever going to make your move?" Mark asked, between bites of his chicken wrap.

 "It isn't that easy, Mark. There's her... Then there's me. Danielle is the most popular girl at school. She's so smart, and she's so pretty. Everything about her just makes her that much better. I get lost in her dark brown eyes..." Mark stared at me, as I drifted off into a world of thought.

 "Come on, Alex! Get a hold of yourself!" Mark demanded, as he grabbed me and shook me back into reality.

 "Look, I'm sorry man, but she's amazing... Then there's me. I'm known as the guy that doesn't even talk at school. I'm not in any sports teams, any clubs, or involved at school in any way. How would a guy like me ever have a shot with a girl like her..." I complained, almost drifting off into my thoughts again.

 I had been new to school, and had a very hard time making friends. Even though I am tall and appealing, I couldn't talk to other people, especially girls, without freezing up on the spot. I really do try my best, but I could never talk to a girl before. Ever since I had arrived at Network High School, I couldn't take my eyes off of Danielle, the most popular girl in school. 

 "Alex, if you want to impress her, why don't you write her one of your poems? We both know you have great writing skills." Mark suggested.

 Although I was extremely shy, I have excellent writing skills. My parents always told me I write the best stories they have ever read, and I also write the best poems. They told me I could win any girl over with a poem. The problem was, I am too scared to write a poem for Danielle.

 "Mark, you know I could never write a poem to a girl. I would freeze up and write something stupid, probably creeping them out." I said, taking a sip of my pop.

 "Hear me out here Alex," Mark started, "We both know your a great writer. We both also know if you write a poem for Danielle she will love it. So what if you wrote her a poem..."

  "I told you, Mark, I can't write a poem about her! I freeze up and write something stupid!" I said, starting to get angry.

 "I wasn't done," Mark stated, annoyed. "What if you wrote her a poem... But she didn't know it was from you."

 "What do you mean?" I asked.

 "I'm just saying, maybe you're so nervous because you're concerned about what Danielle will think about your poem. So if you wrote her a poem and she didn't know it was you..."

 "Then I guess I wouldn't have to worry about what she thinks! That's a great idea Mark!" I said, excited about this plan.

 "So, are you going to try it out?"

 "I'll give it a shot. Thanks, Mark!"

 I got up, threw my pop out, and started walking back to my house, anxious to write a poem. I didn't know much about girls, but Mark sure did. Mark was the kind of guy who could find a girl, talk to her, and have her in a trance for him. That was probably why I trusted Mark's poem plan so much, considering Mark knows what girls want. By the time I got home, it was around 5:45.

 "I'm home, mom!" I yelled through the house.

 "Well have fun making your own dinner, because you missed mine!" Mom replied from upstairs.

 "I'm sorry mom, I was at the diner with Mark again." I said, a little softer this time. "Do you need me to do anything tonight?"

 'Not that I know of, why?" Mom questioned, as she came out on the staircase.

 "Just wondering, I'm going to be busy tonight." I said, as I rushed past her into my room to write the poem.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2012 ⏰

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