The Crash

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I looked at my reflection in the window of the air plane, still waiting to arrive at the airport.

My short brownish-ginger hair was messy. I had just taken a nap so it does make sense. And I saw my many freckles. I was proud I had freckles. Just like my mum.

My mum always told me I had had my dad's emerald green eyes. I agree a bit, But my eyes are unique. I am told they look like an actual cut and polished emerald.

I get my height from my dad. I'm 5'8, and that's tall for a guy of my age. I love to play sports. Especially the two footballs (that's american football and football by the way), so I'm often told I look... Well... Buff I guess.

Anyway, my name is Lumas Jackson Lark, and I am 14 years old. Right now, I'm on a plane ride back to England where my dad is waiting for my mother and I.

By now, we should have been at the air port if it wasn't for the terrible weather. My mum thinks that the flights should have been canceled until the weather improves. She is a weather woman, so I trust her on that.

My dad is a teacher. He teaches German at my school actually. He is my homeroom teacher, and so I get asked all the time if we are related because of our last names and everything.

Suddenly the clouds didn't look so puffy and white outside. They were black, heavy clouds, that threatened to crush the water if it wasn't careful.

Thunder rumbled, scaring a kid in the back of the plane, who continuously kept crying for the duration of the flight.

I knew something went wrong when lightning struck the wing and air masks popped down from their compartment.

My mum, Jane lark, quickly put on her mask after frantically helping me with mine. It did no use though.

I could feel the plane crashing. I hugged my mom tightly as she continued to say everything will be okay. But it wouldn't.

The last thing I remember...
I was hugging my mom and crying. She... She didn't make it...

And that's because I was the only survivor.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2018 ⏰

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