Chapter One

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I ran fast, as fast as I could from the sounds of flames and the crackle of the wood being torched by them, no matter how fast I ran, the flames followed endlessly, touching my clothes and skin, and burning my hair as it licked at my body. All I could hear over the crackle of the fire were the screams. I heard the screams of my young brother. I heard the screams of my.......self? I didn't realize I was I couldn't feel that I was screaming, but I could hear it, piercing through louder than the flames.

I don't know why I was screaming when I was the one who brought the flames to life.

I wake up covered in a cold sweat, lingering on my forehead, my bare chest and all over my skin. I always get that dream. I stopped trying to figure out what it meant. Nothing could explain the dream properly to me. Nothing could convince me that it was just a simple dull dream that would disappear like the rest of my dreams; I know dreams are meant to tell you what is on your mind, but I still can't figure out what is on my mind with that dream. I look over at my little black alarm clock. It blares its red text of numbers to me, 3:59 a.m. I sigh and lay straight on my back, staring blankly at the blacked out ceiling and blinking when my eyes start to burn from staring for so long. I know I won't be able to go back to sleep. I've been stuck in a repeating cycle of waking up and not being able to fall asleep again for a while now. I get up, sitting on the edge of my bed, just trying to find the courage to get up and go for a early morning jog. Yes, I know it's creepy to get up and go for a jog at this time in the morning, a way. I throw on my gym shorts and a dark red; almost maroon, tee shirt and my black, worn out converse. I walk out the back door to cause less noise and I start running down the little trail in the woods behind my house. The air is cold and mist lingers above the ground, softly brushing at my ankles.

All I hear besides my steps and my breathing is the crickets, owls and some twigs I stop abruptly and slowly turn around and then, there it is again....snap! I turn in circles all around me, looking trying to find who or what was behind me but nothing is there. I stand there, staring into the blackish blue shapes of the trees to find anything that would give a sign that I wasn't imagining it. However, nothing gives a sign, so I give up; I jog back to my house. All I can hear are my feet and breath as well as a close snap of a twig...right behind me. I pick up my pace, twigs snapping right behind me at the same pace. I move faster, now speed walking, and as I do, the snapping follows. I break into a run and the twigs follow close behind me until I hit the edge of the forest to my backyard and spring to my backdoor, slamming and locking it shut. I stare out the kitchen window for a sign of what was behind me and what was following me, but nothing was there besides the mist and the darkest fading from the sunrise. I couldn't have imagined this, I swear I couldn't have, but if I didn't then what the hell was behind me and how could it disappear so fast? I shake my head in defeat. I try to calm my heart beat and breathing. It doesn't really work, but I tried. I walk slowly to my room, halfway in real life and halfway stuck in my thoughts until I reach my door and open it to find my room trashed and torn apart. Someone was in my room. I shut the door behind me and start searching my closet and my bathroom to see if they might have tried to hide, but no one is there. My windows are broken and I suddenly wonder why my parents aren't up and investigating. I run out of my room and slowly open their door to find them both sleeping peacefully in their bed. But how? My room is right next to theirs. How did they not hear the window breaking? I sigh and go back to my room and I am shocked to find that everything, even the window, is back as it was, like nothing ever happened. I back away and stare at the room, the clean non touched room. How is this possible?!
Everything is the same but just a minute ago it was trashed and destroyed. There is one thing out of place in the room, though: a folded piece of paper on my bed. I slowly walk over, staring at the paper and looking around the room before closing in on my bed. I pick up the paper and open it, then I just stand there confused. Is someone playing a joke on me? What does this even mean...An O with an X through it? I sigh harshly and crush the paper into a small ball then throw it into my trash can. It just means someone, definitely someone, was in my room and is playing a trick on me. I will find out who did this, and they will pay.

((I do hope you enjoy the newer version of my story, I felt like i might've started it wrong the first time around so please enjoy and i will update my story very soon!!!!))

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