You said you loved me
I thought you did
I Believe you
I always belive you
I try
And try
But I will never be want you want
You say you love me
That I will always be your first choice
But we both know I'm not
You have other girls
You could be with any one
And you love them all
You see me
And you run
I'm a troll
Guys date me becuse they feel bad
Or to show off
Or just becuse they like lieing
Maybe I'm over stateing this
But you know how my life is
You could never love me
You are more likely to kill me
Than to even hug me
See I treat you like a god
And you treat me like a rubber ball
You can thow me as far as you want
And you know I'll come back
I don't know why
Why I always believe you
I shouldn't
I don't want to hurt
I want to be happy
But I guess if I want to be happy
I would have to leave you
And I don't think I can.
Even if you don't love me
I still love you
With all of my broken heart
I just want you
I will always want u
Want you to hug me
To hold me
To cuddle me
To be there
To talk
To kiss
To always be here
But that's not posibal
You already left
I don't realy know where you are
I mean you physically here
But mentally
You left
And I don't think your coming back
And maybe that's a good thing
You can finally stop hurting me
Maybe I'll heal
But looking at you right now
I never want you to leave me
I would rather be lied to a thousand times
Than not have you here
So please say my favrit lie
I lov3 you