Insatiable greed

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I wake up on the couch, the morning after my "wedding night" , laying on my back , staring to the cracked ceiling . My body aches and every part of it sore . I can't even feel my legs . The scars are burning the hell out of me . I close my eyes and decide to fall back to sleep , I'm so exhausted and tired , I barely slept  last night : two hours are not enough for me .

I close my eyes for few minutes ,  the aroma of the coffee spreading in the room wakes me up. I struggle to turn  on my right side  as I see 'Ms Gorgeous Stranger' , who is supposed to be my husband , few steps away from me  , holding two mugs of coffee . I lift myself and I tuck my weak legs underneath me and I accept the mug of coffee he hands me . I take a big sip of it  and I can feel it awakening my brain cells " God , it is so delicious " it is silky smooth , sour  and bitter with a thin layer  of foam . It looks good and tastes better , love it.

It tastes like my mother's coffee , however hers is sweeter, I miss my mother's coffee , I miss my mother , my father , my home and all the people i'm not going to see them anymore and as i drink more of my mug , i get this feeling , a mix of lonliness and sour . Suddenly,  all what have been happenig the last few days come back to torment me ,  pushing my tears through my eyes , making my heart aches , taking the breath out of me , oh my god !! I can't breath ...I take concious breath,  trying to calm myself , I don't want to cry and show my weakness in front of a STRNGER , but in vain knowing that the things won't be the same anymore , tears refuse to stop , I refuse to stop crying . I'm helpless , my life is drifting to so-much-misery .I'm crushed so hard and I don't know how I  have reached this far.

"I'm sorry " he speaks for the first time in days and it is barely a whisper. He come closer and sits on the coffee table infront of me ,  I start shaking,  he takes the mug from my hands .

"Don't worry , I'll be there for you no matter what, we are together in this ride  " He says and he puts his hand on my head.

"Stop, don't touch me you pervert" I interrupt him "Don't be sorry for me , i'm here because of you and your ignorance and selfishness  , I don't know what's wrong with you but all I know now I would be better without you but , HELL, I'm stuck with you  " I take a deep breath and i wipe the streaming tears from my face "I'm the one who suffer the most here and you are the one to blame"

I  gather the little power i had left and I stand on my jelly legs holding the blanket and I hurry towards the other room .i'm angry and hurt , I need to be alone for the moment. I enter  the room, which is obviously the bedroom, with the intention to pour my rage on the door . There is no door . No door to slam . Ms I-ll-be-there-for-you decides to  follow me . "stop chasing me" I scream furiously.  

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