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*Jesy pov*

   I love her, but I'm not in love with her I think as I stare at the smiling girl in front of me. We've been dating for a few months now, and to be completely honest any woman or man on this planet would be lucky to have her but here I am. With her.

   I don't love her.

   I know it's not fair for me to keep her, but she's all I've got. It's my fault too, I swept her off her feet without giving it a second thought. It felt good being with her. It still does;  I can't let her go.

   "What are you thinking about, love? " are the words that break me out of my thoughts. I realize I've been staring at Rosie lost in my own thoughts for quite a while now.

   "Nothing much, just how happy you make me really" I lie. Just a partial lie though, it's harmless right? She smiles that beautiful smile of hers at me. She's so beautiful.

   I don't love her.

   *4 months ago*

   *phone ringing*

Rosie answers- hey Jes! What's up it's been a while since we spoke

Jesy- Nothing much, I was just wondering if you're busy today

Rosie- No, no I'm not busy at all today, why?

Jesy- Alright that's great then love, I'm picking you up in an hour.

Rosie- haah well that certainly answers my question. Sure thing thou

Jesy- see you in a bit then.

*phone call ends*

*one hour later*
  *Jesy pov*

   Honk honk

  Sigh.  Why aren't girls ever ready at the time you tell them you're picking them up. Just as I finish contemplating that thought I hear the passenger side door open and shut, and when I look over sure enough there's Rosie, happy and beautiful as ever. She's such a Joy to be around.

   "So Jes where are we going and why is it so important that I had no option as to whether I'm coming or not" she jokes

   "Shhhh I'm happy to see you too, just roll with it" I smirk, but on the inside I'm thinking of the real answer to her question, something I'd like to tell her but don't know If I can.

   A two weeks and two days ago. That's exactly how long it has been since the woman I love broke my heart and left. She said she wouldn't. She said forever, and here I am almost a year later and Jade is gone. She claims it was for my own good... But what good is it if my whole soul hurts. I don't like this. I wish it would stop. As my thoughts run over this entire situation I hear Rosie saying stuff, I half listen, only enough to give her replies so that she knows she's not being ignored.

  Rosie is straight. I know this, and it's good because I'm not looking for a relationship, I'm too fucked up. However Rosie is the kindest, and funnest person I know and right now I need my thoughts off Jade. I need a memory that's completely void of her, and is a happy one, but here I am thinking about her anyway. Rosie is the perfect person to spend a day with and have a good time. I look over at her and smile.

   "What you smiling at then, I'd like to know"

  "Nothing, it's just you're the sun... In human form" she laughs lightly, it's a cute laugh I have to admit

  "Well alright then Jes, are you trying to hit on me" she laughs and smacks my shoulder

  "Ha.ha. Clearly" I joke back and shoot her a wink

  "Oh I can already tell this is going to be quite a day" she retorts. I simply smile and focus on getting us to the mall.

   The next few hours, as expected fly by, and honestly I haven't thought of Jade once until we're sitting in an Italian restaurant and Rosie orders Lasagna. Jade loves Lasagna. I audibly sigh.

   "Whats wrong then? " I hear and immediately my head snaps up to Rosie's face. "And here I thought we were having a great time" she jokes

   "It's nothing, I'm just getting a bit tired" she gives me and understanding look and takes a sip of her drink before saying anything.

   "I understand, well you can just dump me off at my place after we eat Jes, it's no problem" she's such an understanding person, I love this about her.

   The rest of our meal goes by fast and I'm feeling happy again, but either way I know I should take her home soon. I pull her over to a shop that randomly caught my eye and drag her in.

   "I thought we were going home"

  "Oh we are but not until after this" I pull her over to where I saw some bracelets and pick out two I like, one is a cute silver bracelet with and infinity sign and the other is also a simple silver bracelet with an elephant on it. "Which do you prefer"

  "Definitely the elephant one, they're so smart and cute" I smile because that's the one I like too. I pick up a matching one and again drag the poor girl to the register. I pay for them and we head back to the car. The entire walk to the car I am holding on to her hand from where I've been dragging her from place to place. I laugh inside a little, not a single complaint from the poor girl, and I notice she never made an effort to take her hand back.

  "You might need this" I joke as I let her go finally. She laughs and opens the car door and gets in, I follow shortly after and before starting the car I softly grab her hand and pull it towards me. I put the bracelet around her wrist and finally say "I promise that's the last time I'll forcibly take your hand today"

  "What's the bracelet for Jes? "

  "I'm going to force you to remember this day" I laugh

  "Well I'd never forget it anyway, I've had a good time" she replies seriously. The drive to her house is fast and comfortable and before I know it I'm outside het home. "Thanks for everything Jes" she smiles and before I know it she's leaning over the center console and kissing my cheek. I have no time to react when she's out of the car. She's so friendly I think for the millionth time today.

*back to present time*

  Turns out she wasn't so straight after all my mind says to me as I remember the day this all started. She's been a real blessing.

   But I don't love her.

An- sorry if that was shit. It's 2am and I'm no pro. Also sorry if you're reading my other story and actually like it bc I haven't updated in forever, but I know one day I will. I just kinda thought if this while I ...doing life earlier and I thought I'd do something with the idea. If you read this hope you enjoyed, leave me a comment with some feed back, or Ideas of where you would like this story to go. Thanks!

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