Church Family

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"If everyone in the congregation would reach into their pockets and pull out whatever you have please it's greatly appreciated" said my father passing around the collection plates he had his own successful church is Atlanta Georgia. We lived in a good neighborhood with a beautiful home. We went to a good school for the most part, people didn't know or care to know about the underground scene what really went on. I had no real proof of course me and my brother were known as the preacher's kids we were ignored by most, teachers knew us because most went to our church, so they treated us with favor which did nothing for a social status kids thought of us as stuck up snotty goody tooshoes but we were normal like regular kids as my father finished his sermon he closed out with a prayer. "You're father did wonderful today you guys must be so proud to have a father like that" Ms.Henderson said rubbing our back we smiled politely while she bid us good bye. We sat in the car and waited for my father to finish his meeting. "You know I feel like I'm completely invisible" my brother said, we didn't have friends so he was my best friend he was older than me by two years but he never acted like a superior just a friend that's why we got along. "Dev come on you now how it goes it comes with the title we're the pastor's kids we'll always be the pastor's kids people are intimidated by that" I said looking out the window "We're in high school and we don't even have phones I'm a senior and I'm a virgin people aren't intimidated I'm a freak" he said playing with the radio looking for a good station.

When we finally got home my mother finished dinner she took the other car and went home to fix dinner,it smelled delicious she always made Sunday dinner and we ate at the table like family "Bow you heads and Devin say grace", my father said holding me and my mother's hand "pops it's not my night tonight" Devin said, "Say grace" mom said, "Dear heavenly father thank you for the food that sits before us and the hands who prepared it may it nourish our bodies and you strengthen our souls in his name we pray, Amen" he said blessing out food "That was beautiful honey" my mother said smiling my mom was slightly different from my dad she wasn't as churchy we could do more. "So how was the meeting" she asked dishing out brocolli on each plate I hated it but I didn't complain I never really said much about anything come to think of it in those days I didn't cause waves looking back sometimes I should've. "Kids how was you all's day"? Mom asked after my dad told her of recent up dates and maintenance "It was ok we didn't do much we waited for dad to finish his meeting" I said eating the last of my brocolli we talked about school and church the rest of the meal. "Well you kids go get cleaned up for bed" mom said collecting our plates and wrapping the left overs. My dad came and said his prayers with us then kissed each of our heads goodnight, when the door shut I clicked on the lamp "We are nobodies at the same time targets" Devin said turning to me "We are kids like normal kids" I said walking over to my desk to grab my water cup "I share a room with my sixteen year old sister" he said sighing heavy "Were lames losers we've never dated anyone what kind of life is that we never got to be normal" he complained "Why does it matter we don't do everything everyone else does dad is old fashion it's just him he's always been that way", "Well I am sick of it and you should care imagine liking someone and they never know you exist because you are a weird stick in the mud virgin" he said sitting up "Well if he can't like me as I am then I don't need him" I said clicking off the light

"Are you done yet" Devin asked knocking on the door "Just a minute" I stared at myself in the mirror I was neat and kept but I looked uninteresting boring Devin had me really thinking we didn't stand out. "You guys ready" my mom asked us. "Coming down now" we called down the steps. "How did you guys sleep" she asked drinking her coffee "we slept good" I replyed making myself a bowl of cerial and getting some orange juice "where's dad" Devon asked through big bites of oatmeal "He had some church business to handle so I'll be dropping you guys off to school,  go get your book bags" she said finishing her coffee and walking to the car. "Hey mom I want to ask you something" Devin said turning down the Gospel music playing in the front.  "Sure honey what's up" my said still focusing on the road "Well I really want to move into the guest room I think it's time I had my own room we are both getting older" he said "I will speak to your father about it but honestly I think you are right you are both older now so I understand really" she said pulling into the school parking lot there are kids everywhere some are talking with friends in groups others finishing homework from last night a group of boys sit at their cars flirting with all the popular pretty girls that pay me no attention "Ok guys have a really good day, I love you" she handed us our lunch before we left.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2018 ⏰

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