Chapter 22: How Could You?

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Sarah's POV


I shot up, breathing heavily, sweating covering my face.

All I saw was red.

Great. I was back to being blind.

I sensed someone else next to me.

It was Ezra.

From what I just saw in... whatever that was, I jumped away from him. When he saw me, he did the same.

"You..." I started, but couldn't finish.

Ezra finished, "You killed Kanan."

"No," I responded, "no, you did. I watched you stab him."

"What?" he asked.

Tears formed again. "You killed Kanan, saying you could have saved him! And then... then... I-I-I killed you. But, not exactly me. Some...demon of me did. I just..."

I didn't try to explain it anymore. Ezra took one step towards me. "Strange. I saw the same thing, but... you killed Kanan, and I killed you. The same sort of thing; a demon of some kind."

I hesitantly asked, "Were the wolves there, too?"

Ezra nodded. "Yeah. I know you didn't really see them, but they were huge."

"Well..." I didn't know how to finish it. "I... It was strange. I could... see them. Like, actually see them."

Ezra became shocked. "What?! No you didn't!"

I smirked. "Well, I didn't know you got a haircut. I even saw Kanan and..." I immediately filled with sorrow. Kanan. Kanan was dead. I couldn't save him.

Ezra could tell I was down. He wrapped me in a hug. "Look," he said, "I'm sorry for blaming you. I know you tried to help him. I wish I helped him, too."

I completed the embrace. "I'm sorry, too." When we came out, I asked him, "So, what are we going to do about us... you know... killing each other?"

Ezra shrugged. "I don't know. Let's just hope we interpreted it wrong."

Neither of us believed that.

Not for a second.

Sabine's POV

I finished my painting and stepped back. I made a image of all of us standing like a family photograph. It at least gave me a little bit of closure, knowing that Kanan will always be a part of this rebellious family. I even added a bit of Lothal nature to make this place more memorable: the wolves, the Lothcats, and a little bit of the capital in the very back.

Oh, Kanan. I wish he were here now. He would love this.

Well, he is always with us.

Strange. I haven't seen Ezra or Sarah lately. I know Sarah went off, but I thought for sure that Ezra stayed here.

Ezra's POV

Sarah and I had an awkward walk back. We found out that the stone with the figures in the vision was really here, so we decided to bring it back to base. It wasn't heavy, but it was hard to maneuver, especially since one of us was blind. It was wide and flat, so the wind could easily move it back and forth, almost making us drop it. Not to mention the worry of dropping it.

"Wait a second." Sarah stopped and said, "Couldn't we just use the Force to lift it?"

I slapped my face. Of course we could. There was no reason why we couldn't.

So, it was a much easier way back to base.

Hera, Zeb, and Sabine were all standing around, apparently coming up with a plan. When we dropped in, Sabine slapped me right in the face. I lost concentration and lost my connection with the Force. Luckily, Sarah was able to catch the stone before it hit the ground.

"Where were you?!" Sabine asked, worried.

"Hey," I said jokingly, "Sarah was gone, too."

"Yeah," Zeb said, "but we knew she left. You disappeared out of nowhere. Like a ghost!"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

Zeb answered, "I saw you fall down, but before you hit the ground, you vanished!"

I was very confused. So that's how I got there! But, does that mean that Sarah and I were both there in the vision? We saw the same things?


Hey, guys! Spring Break is coming up, so I will try to get more updates in then.


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