Triwizard Tournament

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by Axel Nord

NB! This is FANFICTION, made purely for fun and out of respect for the original.


Harry woke up from a nightmare in Ron Weasley's room. It was a middle of the night so the house was silent, only slightly creaking under the wind. Putting on glasses he went for a bathroom carefully avoiding Ron's bed and his brothers sleeping on the floor. In the bath he splashed his face to wash away the last remnants of the dream. He could still hear the hissing of the snake and see the green flash that followed, he shook his head and looked at his reflection.

This was his first time spending an entire summer away from Dursleys, which obviously changed him. Gone was his thin, bony frame, under the strict eyes of Mrs Weasley he gained several pounds over one week alone. Harry's painfully thin face now was more squarish, and shoulders felt broader, he also started working out with Weasley twins in hope that he will gain necessary muscle mass for Quidditch. His startling emerald eyes had a more relaxed look in them, than he usually had during this time of the year. Harry combed his shoulder length hair, making it cover half of his face out of habit. Hair was hiding a thin white scar in the shape of a lightning, it was slightly skewed to the right cutting his brow into two uneven parts. In general, Harry was satisfied with the changes, he finally felt as if he was growing into his body.

He left the bathroom and went down the stairs trying to make as less noise as possible. Harry knew he couldn't get back to sleep so he decided to jog around a little to clear his head.

His fourth year at Hogwarts will start in September and in many ways this year is going to be a turning point in his life. Last summer he left Dursley's house, fed up by the constant abuse and servitude. He was afraid that he'll have to return to them this year also, but Dumbledore said that there is no more point in that. Harry didn't understand this statement, but it wasn't important, whatever the reason, he was allowed to be free from this repulsive Muggle family. The fact that he was actually related to them made him puke. And now Harry was happy to not concern with them anymore.

There was a slight downside though, Harry lost connection to Muggle technologies. Magic was wonderful and infinite, but he grew up in a world full of convenient technologies and he missed them. Well, it was the price he was ready to pay for some piece in his life.

When he returned, he took a shower, then returned downstairs sitting in the common room with his research diary. This diary contained useful spells and knowledge Harry gathered during his third year at Hogwarts. He didn't have a chance yet to look through and tidy up. He knew how the Trace worked and that he actually can use magic at the Burrow, but he didn't want to cause problems to Weasleys. He just listed through the diary refreshing his memory.

Soon other residents started to stir. First ones were Mrs Weasley and Mr Weasley, who was preparing to go to Ministry of Magic. They were surprised to see Harry so early and showed concern when he told them about bad dream. Harry offered help and Mrs Weasley sent him to garden to pluck weeds.

Next day Hermione arrived and they were all set for the Qudditch World Cup. Harry noticed, that Hermione also changed, her hair wasn't bushy anymore, she got taller and she seemed more girly than ever. Harry caught himself several times staring at her.

'Nonsense, it's Hermione,' he told himself.

They celebrated Harry's birthday before heading for the World Cup. It was short and small, with a cake and a Quidditch game. He got useful presents from all of them, but Hermione impressed him the most.

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