Once You See Her...

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For Kirthi...

Wishing you and your husband a lifetime of happiness together and a love that grows stronger with each passing day...

Congratulations once again on your wedding!

This one is for you...


"This is it!" Pragya exclaimed dramatically to her younger sisters, Purvi and Bulbul, as she paced the floor of her huge room with her right hand clutched to her stomach. "I'm not gonna make it!"

Her Sangeet function had ended a while ago, and she was sent upstairs to her room to rest for the big day tomorrow, only thinking about it, she couldn't seem to settle down and now her sisters were staring at her as if she had gone crazy!

"What's the matter, Di?" Bulbul enquired as she sat on Pragya's bed with Purvi next to her, their gaze following her from one end of the room to the other.

"My insides are churning!" Pragya whined.

"What!" Purvi exclaimed then dashed over to the nightstand drawer, where she took out some antacids and poured it into a glass of water. "Here Di, drink this." She said holding the glass out to Pragya. "You will feel better. It's probably something you ate."

"I don't want antacids, Purvi!" Pragya wailed. "I'm not sick!"

"Then what's wrong, Di?" Purvi asked worriedly as she went to place the glass back on the nightstand.

"I'm getting married tomorrow!" Pragya wailed in a humorous tone and Bulbul tried to stifle a laugh.

"....and you've only realised this now?" Bulbul asked in a semi-sarcastic tone.

"No, but the reality is starting to hit me." She said pressing the palm of her hand to her forehead. "And now I'm nervous like hell thinking of it!"

"I think the pre-wedding jitters are kicking in!" Bulbul whispered to Purvi, not realizing that Pragya was looking at them with curious eyes.

"What?" She asked, looking from one sister to the other.

"Pre-wedding jitters, Di." Purvi told her.

"What the hell is that?" Pragya wanted to know.

"I have no idea." Purvi replied and then turned to Bulbul. "What is that?"

"It's when you get anxious and hyper days before getting married...or in your case, day." Bulbul told them.

"What nonsense!" Pragya scoffed.

"No Di." Bulbul replied. "It actually happens! My friend went through the same thing!"

Deciding to bite into the notion for a bit, Pragya asked, "So when will it go away?"

"Soon." Bulbul answered.

"When?" Pragya repeated impatiently.

"When you see him..." Bulbul responded with a sly grin.

"Him?" Pragya echoed in confusion.

"Yes, Di." She said, her grin turning into a giggle. "Your handsome groom."

"I am in turmoil here and you are making up all sorts of romantic crap!" Pragya exclaimed as she resumed her pacing at a faster rate. "I don't even know how all this is going to pan out!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2018 ⏰

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