Chapter One: Dark Angel

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"So are the drug orders in check?" said an old chubby man with a cigar hanging out of his mouth.
"Si." said a slightly muscular mexican man with a glass of wine in his hand. "Drugs are all set and ready to ship off to America in four days."
"Good." said the chubby man, chuckling to himself. "With that stuff going off to America, we'll be rich in no time."
"Amen to that!" said a skinny man with blond hair beside him. They were too busy drinking, smoking, and celebrating to notice somebody was watching them from a distance.
"Do you have them in your sight?" said a man through the girls ear piece.
"Yes." she said.
"Will it be difficult?"
"No sir."
She opened her case with her snipper and pointed at one her targets. She thought about making the chubby man her last victim and was deciding between the mexican or the blonde. The mexican seemed the strongest compared to the skinny blonde, so she will start with him. Just to give the other two a good scare.
"Hinata..." said the man.
"Yes Father?"
There was silence through the ear piece and she thought she lost the connection. Then he came back.
"Remember not to make to big of a scene. You don't want the guards around the place to come looking for you."
Her face was stone with no emotion in her face what so ever. "I know." She pointed her gun at the skinny blonde, who was laughing at something that the mexican said. Her connection with her Father went dead and she put her ear piece into her pocket. She then put her finger on the trigger; getting ready to pull. She sighed. "This is going to be one boring job." she whispered to herself before pulling the trigger. Letting the golden bullet pierce the skull of the blond's head. The red liquid going everywhere. His eyes looking surprised before his head falls to the table with a thud.
She smiled to herself. "That takes care of him. Now," She takes out her two pistols and grabs a bunch of bullets. "on to the rest of the building."
The other's look surprised at what just happened. The chubby man's eyes were shocked with horror and the mexican looked like he was about to throw up. "Well! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! FIND AND KILL THE SON OF THE BITCH!"
The mexican took out his gun with a shaking hand and went to the window; pointing at the place Hinata shot the gun. To his surprise, he saw nobody up there. "Boss man..." he said, his eyes wide. "There is nobody up there."
"What?" said the chubby man. They heard gun shots and screams from downstairs. The mexican looked at his boss. "Well don't just stand there!" yelled the man. "KILL THE BASTARD!"
The mexican did as he was told and opened the door to the room. He was met with a kick to the face and went flying to the other side of the room. He held onto his bleeding nose and pointed his gun at Hinata. She smiled and put her foot on him; crushing his ribs with her powerful foot. "A shaking hand while holding a gun? You must be really scared or just an amateur." she said, while pushing down harder. He winced in pain and tried raising the gun at Hinata. He pulled pulled the trigger and the bullet fired but missed Hinata by an inch.
"See," she said. "that is what a shaking hand can do to you. You can miss your target completely. But the only reason why you missed is because you are frightened." She pulled got out her pistol and pointed it at the his head. "And you should be."
"Please." said the mexican, crying. "I only just joined this gang. Please have mercy!"
Her face never wavered. No emotions showing through her cold exterior. "If you're looking for pity, you must know I have none. You knew exactly what you were getting yourself into when you joined. I hate it when people think they did nothing wrong instead of taking responsibility. Don't act innocent now." She put her finger on the trigger. "Take the responsibilty like a man." He screamed but that ended once the trigger was pulled. Blood splattering everywhere. His still warm body going limp.
Hinata got her foot off of the corpse and kicked it to the side. She looked around and saw that the chubby man was no where in sight. She heard noises of what sounded like praying and teeth quivering in fear. She walked around the room until she finally kicked over the large wooden table. There was the chubby man cowering in tears and fear. She glared at him with her white souless eyes. "Pathetic." she said.
He got up and pulled out his gun. "DIE YOU MONSTER!" he screamed. Hinata punched him in the stomach; making him wince in pain and she grabbed the gun out of his hand; throwing it across the room. He stared in fear at her; watching his life flash before him.
"Coward." she said, before kicking him to the ground. He was crying and rolling around clutching his stomach. He looked into Hinata's cold eyes. "Please." he saud, crawling over to her clutching onto her black pants that are now stained with splatters of blood. "If you let me live, I'll pay you double, no, TRIPLE the amount your boss pays you. Just let me live." He was crying, even more than he already was. Hoping that this mysterious woman would show mercy on him.
"Oh please." she said, kicking him to the ground again. "Like I said to your mexican friend. If you're looking for pity, I have none. You're not worth crying over. As for the money, I don't want it. I'm just following orders." She put the gun to his head. "My orders were to kill you at exactly 12:30 a.m." She looked at her watch. "It's 12:27 a.m. You have three minutes left of staying on this world. You're one lucky man sir. Unlike your accomplices."
"Who...who are you?" he asked, fear coming from his voice. She looked at him with her eyes. So cold that they could freeze you to death. "My real none if your concern. Though you may have heard of me. I am known as a monster, a devil, and even death himself." She smirked and went close to his ear. "I can assure you I'm no grim reaper. But I am the Dark Angel of the Hyuuga Clan."
His eyes went wide with the horror of that name. He knew that name. Who wouldn't know that name? That name has been passed on for years. A rumor about a girl that was so beautiful, innocent, and kind, but in the blink of an eye she was a monster. A cold blooded killer. An Angel of Darkness. The Angel of Death.
Her watch went off signalling that it was time. She put her finger on the trigger. His eyes wet with tears. "Remember that name. Oh and one other thing. Do you think praying was going to save you. Peope like you just go off to hell." She pulled the trigger. His face, the same as the others she killed in her bloody memories, was yet another she will see in her nightmares to come.
"Was the mission successful?" her Father said through her cellphone.
"Yes sir. The mission was very successful."
"No problems?"
"None at all."
"Did you make a big scene?"
Before she could answer, a huge explosion came from behind her. A gulf of flames burning the building. Turning sins into ashes before her eyes. The smell of blood and burning flesh filling her nose.
"Does that answer your question?"
Her father stayed silent as she knew he would. "I'll be back tomorrow morning. 7' o clock sharp." she said.
"Ok." he said, before hanging up. She hung up too, putting her blood stained clothes and guns in her backpack. She grabbed her black leather jacket and sunglasses and put them on. Watching now as the crowd of peope came, panicking and calling 911.
She was watching them for a second. Acting like animals going wild. They have no plans of whether or not if they were going to die the next day. They live their lives day to day instead of looking towards the future. That's what makes humans no different from animals. Hinata saw that and knew it. She is no longer what people call a human. She is nothing more than a souless weapon following orders.
She sighed and started walking away into the shadows. Leaving not one trace in the night that she was even there.

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