chapter one

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My 8th grade year was alot of fun. Just because I'm bored and can't sleep I'm going to tell you me and Andreas funny memories.
Leach lady~~ We had a fire drill in 4th hour and Andrea brought a leach. She said her brain wasn't working this morning. We hooked the leach on her jacket and walked outside. Someone yelled does she bite I screamed back "yes". Teachers were laughing and giving us weird looks. Our band teacher didn't care at all. It was funny. Some lady pointed at us and told us to step outside of my the class. Andrea was still hooked up on the leach. She asked us what was the point of this? Like bitch do you really think their was a point. I didn't wake up and think I'm going to walk my friend on a leach. I said " it was a joke". She said it wasn't funny. Excuse me! Everyone else thought it was besides your crusty ass. She said I had her" chained up like an animal". No. I was walking right next to her and she can unhook it at anytime. She took our leach. Still to this day I don't have it back. She told as We can go back to class and We laughed. I think she heard us. We went to the office to ask for it but how do you ask for a leach? We just awkwardly walked off. Now we call her leach lady. We have a bunch of jokes about it. One of them was you know you can buy them at the dollar store for 3 dollars? Why take ours? How am I supposed to walk my dog now?
A flying pad
So once this guy behind us asked Andrea for something to this at someone. She gave him a pad. He threw it at this the guy. His girlfriend was next to him. She started breaking down laughing. None of the guys knew what it was. I couldn't breathe.
This one is really funny. So my ex texted her about his masterbaiting problems before I met him. We started talking about it and she texted him. I don't remember all of it but she said something like How is your masterbaiting problem going did you fix it? He said he stopped months ago. She made this joke that one day if she sees him in the hallway she is going to yell masterbaitator in deep voice in infront of him in the hallways. She never got guts until one day he had lunch detention and she ran into the cafeteria and tapped on him. She said masterbaitator in a deep weird voice. Everyone was looking and she said Good job. She ran off. The lunch room got all quiet😐😂💀.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2018 ⏰

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