Love Sneaked In

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"Because what's worse than knowing you want something, besides knowing you can never have it?""

James Patterson



How long have her eyes been following him around? It was already a habit by the time she noticed.


"This place is taken care off," he didn't directly look at her and just kept on wishing the windows with an unreadable expression on his face. "You can go join cleaning the others, Murao."

What did he expect from her? She wished to just stand by his side, so she just kept on wishing the window besides him like the stubborn girl she was. "There are numbers of people there, I will help you out here,"

When she glanced up, she saw him looking at her with that sternly look on his beautiful face. "Murao, you have to be friendlier with other people. If you are going to give me the answer that you're okay with being alone, then tell me If you put enough effort in finding your place."

Shuuko began to blush and grabbed his jacket. "I already put enough effort in it."

"Murao, I'm your teacher and you are not more than just a student," she still looked out of the window, fearing his currently expression.

"I'm not letting go,"

Shuuko glanced upwards and his eyes somewhat had a sad hint in it. "We can't be more than that, I have already told you this, right?" her grip tightened after hearing this. She fought against the pain, tried to look elsewhere, tried to think about other things, but no matter what she trid to think of, he'd always be on her mind.

"Murao!" her eyes widened, he never rose his voice like this before. Suddenly hearing it like this was something really new to her. Why . . . why did it please her so much? She finally looked up to him fully, eyeing his angry expression carefully. "Go to the others,"

Letting go off his shirt, her legs carried her elsewhere.

She loves him, needs him, wants him so damn much and yet he—"We can't be more than that."—breaks her heart.


He has her back against the wall, hands in hands, fingers entangled, foreheads touching, and the laughter on her lips dies away as he looks at her like that. Any other day, she'd tell herself to not fall into his trap, to not interpret to much into it, but today's today, and maybe she isn't so afraid anymore, maybe she's ready, maybe—

He looks at her with this beautiful pair of eyes that resembles his brothers so much; The corners are sharp, the irises tawny and deep, and they leave such an impression that you'd never forget them once you'd looked into them once – but that doesn't mean they were scary or intense.

She closes her eyes, her heart is beating so hard against her chest it feels like dying but it's not dying she knows, it's waiting, it's been waiting far too long.

They meet somewhere in the middle and it's this unexplainable rush, like moving much too fast, thoughts running wild in your head, reckless syncopating heartbeats and his tongue dives over and over again into her mouth, his fingers in her hair, her hands fisted on his shoulders—this is something, that's all she knows.

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