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Okay so I'm writing a Lashton fanfic; This is the first Lashton one I've ever written so I hope it's alright. I'm not asking for comments or votes just reads. Gosh I hope this doesn't suck.

follow me on Instagram : @calumcity

Okay here we go...


"You have to be quiet" Ashton whispered in Luke's ear, "No noises at all."

His warm, wet lips pressed gently onto Luke's chilled nose, "Okay" Luke breathed, agreeing to stay quiet. Luke knew that he could never stay quiet but he didn't want Ashton to stop, the feeling that ran through Luke's body when Ashton's lips touched him, he couldn't resist.

"Shh" Ashton's breathe vibrated against the soft spot on Luke's neck, a quiet moan escaped Luke's mouth. As soon as it came out, Luke clamped his lips closed and Ashton looked up at him, lips still in contact with Luke's mid neck. Luke nodded, signalling for Ashton to continue.

As Ashton's lips continued to trail slowly down Luke's torso, he became restless. He began to wake up.

"God!" Luke cursed at himself, "Why do I keep having these?"

He looked down at his bare chest, still feeling the very real sensation as if Ashton still had his lips on him. Luke couldn't understand the feelings he had towards Ashton and he didn't know where they had come from.

Luke ran his fingers lightly up and down his chest, liking the feeling as he imagined it was Ashton's lips.

"Luke you going to come have breakfast?" Ashton whispered as his head peaked through the door, his hair an absolute birds nest, he looked so hot.

"Yeah" Luke replied, "I'll be up in a minute."

Ash nodded and left the room, Luke catching a glimpse of of Ashton's bare back as he turned and left the room, leaving the door open. Luke stood from the bed in just his boxer shorts, not bothering to put on a shirt before leaving the room. It was only the boys so it didn't matter.

As Luke wandered slowly and sleepily into the kitchen where the other boys all were, Ashton locked eyes with Luke momentarily before looking down to his breakfast again. Luke sighed and grabbed his own plate.

"Morning youngster" Calum smiled as Luke sat beside him. He forced a smile in return.

They all at breakfast with minimal conversation between Calum and Ashton, Luke didn't quite feel up to it and Michael was too busy stuffing his face to talk.

No matter what anyone spoke about, Luke could just not get rid of the feeling that continued to linger on his chest and neck, it gave him butterflies and heated cheeks.

Ashton finished his breakfast and announced that he was having first shower, as he walked from the kitchen his hand lightly brushed Luke's back. A tingle ran through Luke's body, a sensation that made Luke shudder, partially because of the light tough and also because Ashton's fingertips were cold.

Luke's eyes followed as Ashton left the room and he saddened when Ashton's figure disappeared through the door frame. Thinking back to his dream, he tuned out of Michael and Calum's conversation. He remembered the heat in his cheeks as Ashton kissed his nose, the tingling sensation as his lips moved down Luke's chest and the feeling of Ash's hot breathe on his neck.

"Luke!" He snapped from his daydream to Mike practically yelling at him.

"Uh" Luke hummed, "Yeah?"

Cal chimed in, "You want to come shopping in 20?"

Luke thought about it but shook his head, "Nah I'm tired, I'll pass." That's what he said but really he was just hoping that Ashton would stay home as well, although the thought of him and Ash being alone in the house scared him, it also gave him a feeling that maybe Ash would want to spend time with him.

Without putting his plate in the dishwasher he stood and said bye to the boys. He sulked in his room about how Ashton would never love him the way that he was so in love with the older boy. He heard Cal and Mike talking and then the front door closed, silence.

With Luke thinking he was alone, he started sobbing, not trying to control the sounds he made. He moaned at himself and how stupid he was, "Why?" He asked himself over and over until he heard someone talking! the voice muffled through the walls of the house.

Luke got up from his bed and slowly walked down the hall, hearing the voice coming from Ashton's room. He knocked but Ashton continued to restlessly say words that Luke couldn't interpret. The only two thing he could interpret was Ashton's desperate cries, "No, kill me not him!" And, "Please, I love him."

Luke could here Ashton was in pain, he could hear it in his voice. He opened the door, worried what he might find. Ashton was restlessly turning in his sleep and crying out incomprehensible words.

"Ash" Luke whispered as he placed his hand lightly on the older boys forehead, stroking lightly with his thumb.

"Huh, no!" Ashton came back to consciousness and calmed noticeably when he saw Luke, but within a moment he was crying.

Luke didn't know what to do as his best mate, and love of his life, sat in front of him crying his eyes out. When he had calmed slightly, tears still streaming down his face, he asked Luke to stay with him.

Luke hesitated but climbed under the covers of Ashton's bed, "Are you okay?"

Ashton sniffled and nodded his head.

"What were you dreaming about?" He felt Ash tense beside him and he immediately said, "But if you don't want too..."

The curly haired boy relaxed and unexpectedly placed his head onto Luke's chest, "Stay?"

Luke rubbed Ashton's arm and wrapped his arm around him, "As long as you want."

"Thank you" the small boy whispered.

Luke could feel Ash's breathe in his chest and he immediately thought of the dream he'd had, why did this feel so natural, so right?


That's the first chapter!!! It probably sucks so so bad but I hope you like it!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2014 ⏰

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