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TChalamet: My mom's better than you by twenty-two years

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My mom's better than you by twenty-two years


User1: DAMN


User3: I'm so excited!

User4: You should come to Michigan! I want to meet you!

ArdenThomas: Look at you, couldn't find a real date so you brought your mom! Just like prom, I guess

User5: 😍😍😍

User6: Tarden!

User7: Tarden is future canon :)

ArmieHammer: She stole my date :/

ElizabethChambers: @ArmieHammer apparently mine was stolen too 😋

User8: Ahhh you're both so cute!!!

User9: I love you!

User10: Call Me By Your Name was so good!

User11: Charmie and Tarden are both Brotp and Otp at the same time

TChalamet: @ArdenThomas I purposely went with friends, you can't hold that against me. And my mom's great so...

TChalamet: @ArmieHammer @ElizabethChambers there's plenty of me to go around

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