guardian angel (or should i say anal)

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       Tyler was fed up with his school. Every guy beats him up for being gay, but most importantly, because he's ginger. He is also extremely skinny and can't fend for himself at all. He feels so alone, but there's this one boy that seems to tmake him feel better. That boys name is Jack. Whenever guys are picking on Tyler and Jack is around, he'll casually tell them to lay off and help get Tyler to his next class. Tyler feels safe with the stronger boy and almost thinks he might have feelings for him. Almost. It's happened before where a boy will get close to Tyler until Tyler starts to like him. And as soon as he does, they'll push him down and take pictures of him in the dirt and post it everywhere. Calling him a fag, ginger, other things he tries to push out of his mind. This has all caused him to feel like he's going insane. Like he's stuck in a world full of brown and blond heads who look at him differently just for the genes he never asked to have. But this one blond boy he keeps thinking about and he thinks he'll never stop. And it all escalated yesterday.

        Tyler was being shoved against the wall by his collar when Jack came up and pushed the guys away.

        "It's not his fault he's ginger!" he yelled.

       The boys quickly run off, afraid by Jack's dominant voice. All it did was make Tyler want to kiss him like he's the last boy on earth.

       "That's not the only reason they do it you know." Tyler tentatively spoke.

       "Really? Why else would they?"

       "We-well" Tyler's throat closed up before he spoke. "I'm gay."

        Jack laughed.

      "If only they knew." Jack said, walking to class.

      Tyler's heart raced. Did Jack just come out to him?

      He was waiting for this moment. He already had everything planned.

      Tyler got Jack's number and called him when he got home. Tyler's parents were on a trip and wouldn't be back until tomorrow. He told Jack he needed help on a science project and Jack said he'd be there in an hour. What Jack doesn't know is that Tyler has been watching him through his bedroom window. Knows even what kind of tissues he uses. Tyler has already assumed Jack was gay because of what he watches when he's alone, but he didn't want to assume or rush anything. But now, now is the time.

      Jack texts him and tells him to open the door. Tyler tells him it's already open and to just walk up right to Tylers room. It takes him awhile since he didn't know where Tyler's room was, but it gave Tyler some time to finish the final touches.

       Jack opens the door to his room and sees the magnificent view in front of him. Tyler was wearing hot pink lingerie, sprawled out on the bed, already hard on. Tyler was completely flustered, and thrusting into the air, desperate for friction. Jack whimpers in the back of his throat. He starts to palm himself.

      "Get on your hands and knees. Now."

       Tyler does what he's told. He touches himself, getting a hard spank in return. He moans loudly, causing him to cough up blood. Jack takes off his clothes and shoves his dick up Tylers nose. Jack gets too excited and starts to pump all the way up to Tylers eye. His left eye falls out. Jack pulls out of his nose and starts to thrust into the empty eye socket. He cums instantly in Tylers brain as Tyler slowly bleeds out. Tyler looks to Jack. His final words being:


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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2019 ⏰

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