Changing Classes.

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All I did was follow my friend to her class one morning. 

I didn't realize that it would have that much of an impact on my entire high school career. Amy was thrilled to bits that her favorite teacher from middle school, Mr. Lu, was finally coming to teach at our high school. Amy spent the entire summer just droning on and on about how "cool" of a teacher Mr. Lu was, and how he was her favorite, and boy did it get old. So I followed her to her first period...

I know what you're thinking, "Julie, why did you even go in the first place?" To be honest, I was just bored. I was bored and wanted to see what all the fuss was about.

We were walking down the hallway when she suddenly picked up speed and dashed into the first open door in Hallway C. I swear she knocked me over in the process.

"Hey Lu! Did you miss me?!" 

I could hear her from across the way. God she was loud. I heard some mumbling, a pause, and then Amy's loud voice screaming, "I want you to meet my friend Julie..." and she paused for a moment, "...if her slow self EVER gets here."

Screw you, right? I should have just walked over to the cafeteria. But Amy drove to school today, so I sorta had to play nice.

"Alright," I said rolled my eyes, entering the classroom, "Where's this 'magic' teacher you keep bragging about. I swear he better not be some loser with a fedora..."

"Nice to meet you too, love." came a voice from around the corner. I usually ignore people who try to act all sweet.

I looked over to see, honestly what appeared to be, what I thought was a senior just sitting on the teacher's desk. "This Mr. Lu lets kids sit on his desk? Is that the ONLY reason why people make such a fuss about this guy?" 

There it was. I caught her. The only reason this guy was even remotely "cool" is because he lets kids do whatever they wanted. Good job, loser.

"Mr. Lu, this is Julie. She wanted to meet you..." said Amy. She gestured towards me.

"Ah, nice to meet you Jules!" came the voice from the desk.

That was Mr. Lu?! He looked like a kid! 
And "Jules"? Seriously? Who does this guy think he is anywa-

Then I saw him. Standing before me was this adorable Asian guy, right? Very K-Pop looking. Standing there and smiling at me. He has black rimmed glasses, a top knot, and even a couple of bracelets. Was he a hipster or something? All in all he looked cute... but there was something about that smile...

"Nice to you meet you. Amy has honestly talked my ears off about you all summer. It actually got kind of annoying..." I looked off to the side. 

"Annoying is part of my charm," he said, smiling, "But it's whatever... Amy is annoying as hell too." He made a weird hand gesture and wandered back to his board to write something down. "You seem like a good replacement."

I laughed at that joke. A little too hard I think. But it was funny...

"Y-yeah," I said, "She's totally annoying..."
Amy sat there, gave me a bitch look, and got back on her phone.

I sat there for a minute, staring, that I didn't realize he was talking to me.

"I'd love to have you..."

Excuse me?! Was he getting fresh with  me?
I mean... it's not like I'd say no to hi-

" one of my classes, dude. You seem pretty cool."

Oh my god. I was blushing beat red. I was blushing because, for a split second, I thought he meant... Oh Jesus, "Answer him back before it gets awkward!" I yelled to myself.

"Oh, yeah. That'd be cool, dude. I have Mrs. Beib second period, unfortunately."

"Aww, well, looks like she's got a cool kid." He smiled that warm smile again, "Well, if you need anything, you know where I live!"

And that was it... the bell rang and the day was starting. And I was still smiling at that corny ass joke. He was funny... but he wasn't THAT funny... so then why did I smile that hard?

"Alright, later Mr. Lu!"

I left that class feeling weird. I wasn't sure  how or why I felt that way, but one thing was for sure: I was going to have him... as a teacher, that is. Ahem.

Where is my first period class anyway...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2018 ⏰

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