chapter 1

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My name is akiba I am African and this is my story.

It was a bright Saturday morning,I was happy to see another day but little did I know of the events that were going to unfold.I ran out of my hut and went for my morning swim in the nearby river ,my brother and sisters soon followed,we played like it were no tomorrow and soon fell asleep on the warm green grass.Awoken by the sound of strange voices I tried to get up but it was no use I was tied up with with chains.I tried and tried and tried again but nothing worked upon realization that I didn't see my brothers and sisters I started to call nyima,Abako,lane I called but got no reply I turned my head as far as it could turn but all I saw were dead bodied and crying women and children I heard a voice call my name and what I saw shattered my heart.

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