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Yep a shadow of war story I've had this idea for a while but never came up with a story till now so yep and if you guys have an idea for the story or any story or even an idea for a story then message me


Y/N pov

I was on a mission with team RWBY as we were investigating a massive abandoned city that was meant to be another Kingdom as we walked threw the streets ruby was talking as I merely looked around at the buildings

Ruby:this place is creepy I feel like someone's watching us

Weiss:I felt it as soon as we got off the bulkhead 

Yang:not to mention that this place is massive what's it called again?

Y/N:I believe this place was named the kingdom of flae and the people here studied in the art of war In fact this place was meant to become another Kingdom until one day all commutation's just stopped they sent huntsmen here to see what was wrong only to find no one they searched everywhere but found nothing it was as if they just up and left

They looked spooked except Weiss

Weiss:That's impossible an entire city can't just disappear overnight there has to be another explanation?

Y/N:it doesn't matter if you believe it or not Weiss that's what happened and a very large explanation is that they were driven out by bandits or Grimm but now it's just a ghost town

We continued Down the streets with our weapons ready waiting to see a Grimm in one of these ruins but there was nothing we could hear our steps echo threw out the streets

we entered what looked to be a giant tower We searched the place as I looked out the window seeing the sun go down so I walked over to the rest of the team

Y/N:it's getting to dark to continue on I say we make camp in here until morning I'll take watch since we still don't know what's out there

They nodded as I went up the tower and lit a candle and put my bow next to me and looked at it I got it from my great grandfather and my brother jaune arc got his sword but I had two swords both hand made I laid back and looked up at the stars as I remember something that my brother told me

-flashback 10 years old-

Me and my brother were outside our backyard at night it was just us as our sisters were inside and our mom was cooking dinner as we were using sticks as swords as we fought one another I readied my sword as did he

Y/N:you can't win little brother

Jaune:you were born a minute before me

Y/N:then I'm a minute older then you

We charged each other hitting each others swords clashing as I shoulder charged him and swung my stick so hard that when he tried to block it both our sticks broke as I stood over him in victory as I held out my hand as he grabbed it and I lifted him up

Y/N:that was a good fight little brother *pant*should we head back now

Jaune:*pant*yeah I'm kinda hungry but how did you beat me again

Y/N:simple I'm stronger then you and used it to get you on the ground go for the final hit

Jaune looked down as I put my hand on his shoulder as he looked at me

Y/N:if your enemy is stronger then you you'll have to be smarter and out think them 


Y/N:simple you can dodge or block their hits and wait for them to get worn out then when you see a chance You strike

We sat down and looked up at the stars as I gazed upon them

Y/N:you ever wonder what they are

Jaune:looked up and remembered something

Jaune:grandpa once said that those are the kings of the past and they'll always be looking down on us so when ever you feel lose or alone they will be there to guide you

Y/N:so a bunch of royal dead guys are watching us right now...I'm OK with this

we both got up helping each other to the door leaving our swords in the dirt in the shape of an x as we walked inside

-flashback over-

I was looking at the stars wondering if my great grandfather was up there as I gazed down at the city I see a light in a street not to far from here as I quickly put my candel and grabbed my bow and made my way down the stairs and made my way outside and down the side of the street as I got to source I looked around the corner to see two men with swords as I looked at the symbol on their backs as I knew who they were

Y/N:(dammit first this place is a ghost town then the white fang just shows up out of nowhere whats next)

I looked back to see that one of the guards started walking away so I slowly went up to one of the guards and got my swords out as I quickly stabbed one in the back of his head as I flipped over him and threw my other sword at his friend going threw his head as they both fell down as I made my way pass them and into their camp looking for anything that could tell me why their here as I look for answers I see a large tent with two guards outside the front so I sneak pass the guards and go inside as I look around not hearing anyone inside I walk to a bench and see notes all over it but as I reached for one


I fall to my knees and look behind me to see a white fang grunt with a bat as i feel something warm on the back of my head before he hits me again and i black out


yep that's it for the prologue and if guys can suggest some names for both our swords and one for our bow that's all for now so see you guys in the next one

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