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Nina's POV
I looked at the smiling faces around me telling me congratulations you're doing it...going off to college... you made it out. It was too overwhelming. I needed to focus or I was gonna end up having a panic attack in the middle of the sidewalk. So I backed into an alley and just concentrated on my breathing while my mind tried to think of something less stressful than college. Finally, my thoughts settled on... Benny? Instantly a grin came to my face. Benny. I remembered how he made me laugh with his jokes and puns, his moments of quiet thoughtfulness, and the goofy grin that came in his face whenever he was raping or I realized talking to me. My body became a whirlwind of butterfly's and I was definitely blushing like a madwoman. There was only one question left: what the heck was I feeling? (AN: sorry if this is confusing which it probably is and sorry about the late post is 1:47 actually 😂 send help...)

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