Ittoki Otoya X Female Reader Lemon

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A/N 1: This is my first fanfic which also happens to be my first lemon...weird i know, that my first fanfic happens to be a lemon...Heh~ I appologize in advance for any typos or OOC-ness >.< I love Ittoki so much and i was sad to see that no one from what i can see has made a lemon for him, so i decided to take the oppurtunity to try my hand at writing ^~^

A/N 2: This is old and cringy (wrote this like 7 years ago lmao) I've tried revising a bit but it's too painful for me to re-read lmaoooo

WARNING: This story contains graphic content that is not suitable for children. If you are uncomfortable with sexual content, i kindly ask you to turn back.


You were walking home from Saotome Acadamy with your best friend Haruka Nanami, who was telling you about Ren's latest attempts at making a move on her and how Masato blew up on him for, how he likes to call it, "disrespecting a women". Much to Haruka's dismay, you found the whole ordeal hilarious.

"I just don't understand why you won't go out with him already, he's obviously into you, and i can tell from your cute rosy cheeks when he teases you that you like him just as much!" You couldn't help the big smirk on your lips when she blushed at the comment.

"It's not that i don't want to, it's just that...well...i-i don't want to break the know, about falling in love with someone. I don't want Saotome to find out and then have something bad happen..."

You rolled your eyes and threw your arm around her shoulders encouragingly. "Oh screw the rules Haruka! You've gotta learn to live a little. He can't just expect us to live like hermits, besides...i know your just itching to get your hands on Ren's sexy body!"

Her eyes practically bulged out of her head. "_-____! That's not true at all...!" She turns a deep scarlet, that just confirms your suspicions even more.

After a short silence, she says, "W-what about you, ____? Don't you have someone you like?" 

This takes you by surprise, causing you to stumble over your words. "W-well yeah...i mean, it's not like it matters or anything!" You quickly flash Haruka your usual big grin, which causes her to eye you suspiciously.

"Well, if you say so-" Haruka was interupted by a voice calling out to you, which gave rise to the butterflies in your stomach.

"____-chan!! Wait up!" You turned around to see a familiar red head running over to you at top speed. Some guy who was riding his skateboard fell, causing it to roll straight in Ittoki's path.

"Wait, Ittoki-kun! Look out!!" Totally preocuppied with catching up to you, he doesn't see the obvious obstacle in time, and before you know it, your on the ground with Ittoki on top of you, his face buried in your chest.

"Urhhhhh...damn..." He mumbled, totally unaware of what broke his fall. The impact of the fall caused your hair and clothes to become disheveled, and you lay there with your shirt partially open, revealing your (f/c) bra. You turned a whole new shade of scarlet.

When he finally came to his senses, his eyes became wide and his cheeks turned pink as he stared at your now revealed chest. He was basically straddling your waist, and you could feel a certain hardness through his tight-fitted jeans, which you were pretty sure was not there a minute ago.

"Um...I-i'm sorry _-____-chan...I just..." He continued to stare and he became glossy eyed which caused you to become overly self concious.

"Um Ittoki-kun, could you get off of me please?" You gave a sheepish smile and he quickly stood up, bringing you with him. You quickly fixed your clothes and hair.

Ittoki Otoya X Female Reader LemonWhere stories live. Discover now