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He'd do anything for her that was a fact and there was no doubt in her mind or his, after all, if killing someone at fourteen for her wasn't a sign of this than nothing was. She had begun to teach him in his first year even looking into his head when she realized why he was so timid, she had saved him from them the Dursley's and given him a second chance and he was not worried, she was immortal so he had no fear she would abandon him. One when he asked if she would she had told him only if he becomes useless and yea he knew it was a way to control him more and to get him to be the best but he could not bring himself to care, after all, he was not like Professor Snape or Mr. Malfoy he was not a servant he was a protege much like Barty Crouch was a man who trained him in every way he knew how.

So when the time finally came to bring her body back he simply gave the blood that was needed and waited with anticipation. And now here he is two years later a sixteen-year-old assassin/soldier he was whatever she needed him to be, so when he realized he loved her he refused to be near her... love was a weakness something to be used against him and he would not allow that. But it made his master worried she began to fear he had turned or had changed his view of her so when she finally forced them to meet it was never going to be simple.

She had looked at him with carefully hidden worry but unlike most, he could read her better than anyone and knew the signs of worry she had. "What is wrong." Was her simple question and Harry could only grit his teeth as she refused to let it be when his anger finally exploded he looked at her coldly expecting nothing from his outburst of truth except a cold laugh and a crucio. She had stared at him when he had decle=ared he loved her in shock her mind reeling trying to be angry or cruel but could not... she could not do to her pupil, no... her equal what would be done to others.

She had kissed him and left, and it had stayed like that for weeks but now his anger always consumed him because she had used him... she had done the unforgivable and used his love against him for her own ends what other explanation was there to look at him uncaringly and had confronted her in his anger and it led to a duel between the two and neither of them had won, when he had asked her why she simply said the prophecy foretold his f=defeat of her and he dismissed it by telling her the truth. "I could not do that to you, if that were true I would have offed myself seeing how I'm your living Horcrux."

At this revelation she had made sure he was correct before hugging him, he was unused to it but accepted she was so vulnerable in his arms and he hated it he wanted the strong woman that he loved to always be there Albus Dumbledore had tricked her with that prophecy and made her vulnerable and it was at this moment Harry Potter ceased being anything but dark.

After that, they had grown close and they began his training again, over time he easily surpassed even Bellatrix her best fighter and earned respect from them all. When the battle at Hogwarts happened Dumbledore spoke quite a bit trying to win both of them over, to turn them against one another... and sadly it had worked he had forced his way into her mind in a moment of her clarity being gone and forced her to fight him.

He had won but knocked her out and whilst the Light cheered and the followers looked on unsure of what to do Harry cracked, he killed Albus along with Minerva, Flitwick and the Dumbledore's Army the deatheaters soon joining as they realized that the Light had hurt the one person who had given them a chance. And when it had finally ended the people were miserable for the Dark had won and whilst his family celebrated and began the plans to help the wizarding world Harry took his master back to their home, the place he had spent his life with her.

Two months had passed and his master had stayed in a magically induced coma, Harry never left her side and denied all attempts to remove her to somewhere else. When she had awoken he hugged her close refusing to let a tear fall and he smiled kindly to her as he explained what happened, and then she had surprised him again she hugged him and whispered three words to him. "I love you." Those words were all it took as he kissed her passionately, their bodies meeting in a sensual embrace as he loved her delicately and lovingly. He whispered sweet nothings into her ear as she clung to his like a lifeline. They spent the night like that and the following day as well before deciding it was time to check on the world they had helped create.;"The people celebrated her return and washed them both with gifts and treats, their friend Mr. Malfoy had been elected Minister and smiled widely at his two closest family friends.

Harry had clasped Draco's arm congratulating him on his engagement to Astoria Greengrass, later that night as his family threw a party or as they called it a 'gathering' he had approached his mistress who had asked him to call her Tomara and danced slowly with her. He had treated her gently and spoke of how much he loved her when he kneeled before her, taking a ring he had spoken softly his voice shaky from nerves and preparation. "I have loved you for years now, years I watched and learned from you on how to be what was needed of me I was never a pawn in a game I was closer than that and you have made me the happiest I could ever be in this world where I believe I deserve none of it... so now I ask you Tomara Marvolia Riddle, will you marry me."

He had kneeled there for seconds but it felt like minutes until she had hugged him her body pressing softly close to him as she repeated yes over and over tears running down her face as he slipped the ring on gently. That night they had resumed their sensual dance with fire not seen before their bodies refusing to part as they stayed together all night, he had repeated his declaration of love too many times to remember and every time she had nodded a smile on her face as she looked up at him her hand pressed against her bare chest as she kissed him repeating every time. "I love you too." They had parted the next morning and simply held each other, as they laid there he thought of what would happen next but decided he did not care... she was all that mattered."

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