Green Roses

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A stream of warmth trickled down the side of his face as fowl words spewed out of the chapped mouth of the one in front of him. He wasn't one to stand down in a fight, especially with someone like the person before him, but how could he keep himself up on broken ankles? How could throw a punch with a dislocated shoulder? How could he see with swelling bruised eyes?

He couldn't.

His vision was blurry, and darkening with each word that reached his ears - with each punch that hit his skin.

Whatever happened after was a distant jumble of lights and shouting, the only thing being comprehensible was the warm and slim arms that wrapped around his broken body.


When he came to, everything was dark. Blue eyes swollen shut with irritation and injury. Among the echoing beeps he heard voices - one immediately recognized as a good friend. Evan.

His finger twitched, he knew it did, because soon it was scooped into another hand and his friends voice was heard again, "Tyler? Hey, can you hear me?"

No words muttered in response - being clogged up in a dry throat. His friend must've got the memo because before he knew it, a cold glass was being pressed against his stinging bottom lip.


Everything stung. Everything ached with pain and a grunt vibrated his bruised ribs. Soon enough, commotion filled the room - light voices noted off as professionals. Nurses.

He could feel himself drift between consciousness.

That annoying beep rung in his ears as he woke for the second time. He didn't even recall falling back into the dark.

The faint sound of snoring made itself known to him after a longer period of just listening, and he made sure to make a noise - alerting whoever was with him.

An accented voice was what came after. Not the ones of Irish or British, nor was it Canadian. It had a hint of southern, slightly slurred or jumbled words, and the undertone of insanity that could be debated if real.

"Hey Ty, how ya feelin'?" It was Delirious- Jonathan. Yet, why would he be here? How could he have been here…in fact how had Evan been there?

Last he knew, both were at home. For, they had been not been in state when everyone else was. Evan had gone to Canada to spend time with family, and Jon wasn't one who liked planes or cars enough to leave North Carolina.

"I can't see anything…" Were the first words that his brain strung together.
"I know, bud, I know," a warm hand had gripped his, and he could feel the slight poked of nails. Jonathan had nails.

Tyler, nor any of the others (besides Luke), had seen Jon's appearance, yet he was here. Meaning that people probably knew what he looked like now. He wondered how long it would take for his two dipshit friends to realize their undying love for each other.

The thought made him chuckle, much to his body's strain.

Normal people would have panicked when they woke yet again to darkness. Four days in a row had Tyler opened his eyes to nothing.

A few days prior he had been enlightened on what had happened. He had taken a knock to the head - blah blah - he couldn't see for a bit. Tyler had honestly zoned out when the doctor had started to talk to him about his condition.

What he did catch was that it shouldn't take long to heal - and he should recover one hundred percent.

He didn't believe it.

He also didn't believe the fact that every single one of his gaming friends had visited him. Every. Single. One.

Except Nogla.

Soon enough he remembered why.
"Where's David?" He asked one afternoon as Mini and Marcel sat next to his bed. The question had brought silence to the two.

Eventually, Marcel cleared his throat and Mini sniffled, "he's healing."
Healing. Why would-

Oh. Right.

The fight in the alley…Tyler was protecting David…standing up in front of him after he had been jumped by a homophobic asshole.

A few days prior, David had come out as bisexual to his YouTube channel. It had caused some very rude comments regarding the subject to arise, but nobody bothered with them. Nobody bothered with it because they never thought anything would happen. They were very much wrong.

A man had been following them after they left the diner. They being Mini, Suni, Marcel, Nogla, and himself.
Most of it was a blur, but he clearly remembered the man sprinting up and knocking Nogla over from behind - beating him with the bottle he had.

Suni had screamed, he remembered that. He also remembered Marcel holding him back as Mini helped Nogla up after the man had ran into the nearby alley - after, of course, getting a mean righthook from Tyler.

The next thing he remembered was himself running, chasing the man and catching up to him…the rest was…nothing he could remember.

"Is he okay?" the words slipped passed his chapped lips once he pulled himself from the memory.

"Much better than you, thats for sure," Mini had chuckled, an attempt to brighten the mood. It had worked for the most part.

The next day, Tyler awoke to the same beeping, but this time, when he woke, he could see the slightest of light seeping through. It was…green…and at certain angles held red.

This continued for the next week, each day the image getting clearer, and eventually one day he woke up and could see blurbs of color. All of it was a mixture of greens, whites, reds and blues.

After a consultation with the doctor, and he was released. Released with a wheelchair and Jonathan pushing him out to the car. When he and his friend were situated inside, Tyler smiled as he listened to the conversation between Evan and Jon.

"Have you guys made out yet?" He had cut in, and he wished he could see the blushes that were no doubt brightening both of their faces.

After a quick "shut the fuck up," from Jonathan, they had moved onto better conversation. It only ending when they ended up at the eye doctors to get Tyler a pair of glasses.

However, after he had gotten the pair, Jon and Evan had taken them from him. Telling him that he had to wait until they got home to wear them. He didn't like that.

When they did arrive 'home' (which Tyler learned was really just Mini's house) he was rolled out into the backyard.

He saw the green blurb in front of him, it connecting with long pale blurbs that moved around him. Soon enough, glasses were placed on his face and he was met with the smiling face of Nogla.

The relief and happiness of seeing his friend filled him and before he could control himself, He had pulled the Irishman into a hug.

Tyler wasn't one to show emotion around his friends often, but the dumb fuck in his arms had been on his mind since he remembered what happened. He had been scared shitless, but didn't bring it up due to the fear of bad news.

"I didn't know you cared so much for me," the accent riddled voice let out a small chuckle, his breath fanning over Tyler's ear. At the words, Tyler pushed him away, arms crossing over his chest and a fake scowl pulling at the corners of his lips.

"I don't, you dumbass." That was the first time Tyler realized that he would never tire of hearing that stupid laugh, or seeing the bright eyes full of glee. He knew he would never tire of seeing the green the other always wore…or (as he later learned) the green leaves of roses that had decorated his hospital room - gifted from a certain bisexual Irishman.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2018 ⏰

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